His Boyfriend

99 3 0

February, 5th 2022
12:38 pm
Onion's notes/diary:

Apple's my boyfriend. I'm very glad he is too. This the longest relationship I ever have and I would love keep it long as I can. Forever, if possible. Is that a bad thing to wish?

I love my Appy. He's special to me. He's always here for me. " I never want you to feel alone, sad " he says. And I don't, long as he's there. He loves my cooking, the dish will gone in small minutes. He do art alot and 50% I'm in the picture, I gotta say, I look good in them. Sometimes I'm shocked I look like that. The way he draws my eyes and hair, is so perfect, makes me look in the mirror more. And he sing and dance so well. Surprisedly, he's shy with singing. He says he likes it better when he's doing it with me. All the things he does is special.

Apple helped me with a lot of things. Before I met Appy, I was sacred to talk to people. Socializing was terrible for me. The only friends I had were my parents. The way I said " Hi " or " Thank you " a cashier once, keep me up all night. But when Apple and I got together, I barely think about it. Like never. I forgot how I used to be so sensitive and scared, really for no reason. He like the hand I always need to hold or like my knight of armor of my fear. The way Appy thinks of me as a smart, charming, perfect and wonderful person, while I think the opposite. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of me. Long as one thinks I'm great, I'm fine.

I hate being separate from him. It's the worst. I remember one time Hotdog and I was going to the get a couple of things for something. Soon we get the car, I already missed him.

I: " I miss my Apple. "

HD: " Onion. We just got in car. I have not even put the key in- I haven't even put my damn seatbelt on! "

I: " What!? I can't miss my boyfriend? "

HD: " We're literally gonna be gone less than five minutes-

I don't know what to do without him. I mean live with him, I work with him, I wake up with him, stay with him in afternoon than sleep next to him. Him not being here.. don't feel right. He always been there. I feel sad for no reason when Apple not near. Even for a short period time, I can't stand him not being here.

This embarrassing to share but, I remember when I had to leave my Apple for few days to my parents house, I woke up late. I went downstairs for some something to drink. I.. started crying. I don't know why. Knowing he wasn't here, he was gone, it would have been days if I wanted to see him again. When I say crying, I mean a whole face of tears. I needed him. I needed him to here with me. I called Appy, just wanting to hear his voice. After he heard how upset I was, he got up, pack and road the bus for two hours just to come comfort me. I remember soon as he saw me, his face went to worried to Joy and kissed me all over my face. He held me to sleep that night. I'll always love him for that, stressing himself out just to be here for me. Alots of things he do and dose, give hope and live in the world. I love him so much.

Well. As I much I love writing about my boyfriend, this could go on longer than forever. Apple dear is going to wake up soon and I want cook something for him while I still have the energy for it. I must say, writing this down feels nice! I guess this is goodbye until whenever.


( Fin. )

Word count: 672

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