Basics: Federal Republic of Estaria

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The Federal Republic of Estaria is a nation that has stood the test of time, or better known as Estaria, having fought many wars of survival against its neighbors. As such, it has a geopolitical and strategic stance of constant expansion outwards to protect its core regions. With no natural borders to assist, this only reinforces the aggressive nature and size of the military.

The government, while called a Federal Republic, is a one-party state, with political police a common sight during times of political unrest. However, the cultural solidarity of the people, as well as an unusually high faith in the government, and recent history showing divided politics only cause weakness, this reality is not a common occurrence.

The most recent events in Estaria's history is the Winter Revolution, which overthrew the Imperial Government that preceded the Republic, a relatively bloodless revolution that even the military was behind due to poor pay and lack of supplies. The second is what they called the 'Great War of Patriots', which saw an invasion by all of her neighbors, nearly seeing the republic destroyed, only to be able to achieve victory at great cost. It has only been a generation since the conflict, and the nation not only celebrates the victory, but also still bears scars from the conflict.

Name: Federal Republic of Estaria

Moniker: Estarian

Government Type: One-Party Federal State

Army Strength: 350,000 Active Soldiers, 12,000 Tanks(Primarily T-62s), 20,000 APCs(Primarily BMP-1s), 50,000 Light Vehicles, 40,000 Artillery Pieces, and other support equipment.
Navy: 12 Battleships, 24 Heavy Cruisers, 50 Light Cruisers, 45 Destroyers, and 85 Submarines.
Air Force: 1,568 Fighters(Primarily MiG-19s), 656 Close Air Support(Primarily Su-7s), and 85 Long Range Bombers(Tu-4s).

Economic Style: State-controlled Capitalism

Landmass: Similar to Northrend in area

Party: People's Liberation Front

Diplomatic Outlook: Cautiously Hostile, Aggressive

Military Structure: Top-Down Command Structure, rotating units on the front lines. All Commanders, Generals, and Field Marshals answer to the President, as well as Admirals and Air Marshals.

Age of the National Concept: 526 years old.

Location of 'Spawning': Between Kul Tiras and Zandalar, replacing the Maelstrom as a central location on maps and geographic location.

Historical Date for the Republic of Estaria upon transfer: March 21, 1970

Gross Domestic Product: ~356 Billion Marks

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