Sushi's LMK By-Episode Headcannons

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Sushi is an employee at a local coffee shop. She knows a few people by name, including the spunky Mei and carefree MK. They don't visit SUPER often, but when they do, it's always a fun little mess. During "A Hero is Born", Sushi mostly minds her own business, unaware of what's going on until she starts getting videos popping up all over her FYP. A Demon Bull King? Isn't that one of the characters from that famous story? The one the cute boy liked to talk about. Sushi watches the updates online as she does her job, hoping that they don't get attacked, as well. When she realizes that MK is the one that takes down Demon Bull King, her first instinct is to ask if he's okay. It's a good thing she knows where he works, too.


After getting updated on all the happenings, Sushi becomes more involved with the group. Partly because she worried for them, but also because of curiosity. She begins to bond with Pigsy, being more of a logical worrywart like he is. When MK goes off on his own to bring down Redson, Sushi stays behind with Pigsy, Tang, and Sandy, although she's 100% on board going to help him out. After this incident, she decides that it's better to follow MK as much as she can so she can help him stay out of trouble.


Through the three days shown in the beginning, as well as the fourth day where Tang is teaching MK about duplication, Sushi is likely doing her own thing, working and whatnot. It's only when she goes over to hang out (either after work or during her day off) that she meets a Clone MK. This MK was made specifically to communicate with Sushi when MK couldn't, and so it spawned Chatterbox MK. Things were well at first, but Chatterbox MK wouldn't want to STOP talking to Sushi, to the point where they had bound her in order to keep her from going home so that they could spend more time talking. This was even more anxiety inducing when he expected Sushi to come up with some of the conversation topics and act engaged. MK would take care of Chatterbox MK before taking care of Porty MK.


Sushi is hanging out with Sandy, MK, and Mei when Mei gets the call. Sushi sees that Mei is uncomfortable and tries to talk to her about it, but is mostly dismissed, as Mei is someone who wants to face these things on her own. Sushi decided to come with them for the sleep over, since they're going to anyway. Although mesmerized by things like the history and architecture, Sushi's main priority is making sure Mei is alright and doing well. When Mei gets snacks and MK breaks the pinball machine, Sushi is in rush with him and Sandy to fix it.


Sushi is working during the full time of this episode. (This is mostly a Tang/Pigsy and MK character growth episode) When she hears about what happened, they become VERY concerned, both for MK AND Pigsy and Tang. They ask a lot of questions about the situation, to which Tang happily (and snarkily) answers.


Sushi would be absent this episode, likely living out their normal life. She'd get a call from Pigsy asking if they knew where MK was, and after that would get updated later that he had been, apparently, bullied by a couple of demons. Sushi becomes more worried for their friend, with their paranoia starting to play a bigger part in their behavior for future episodes.


Sushi hangs out with the crew and watches as the commercials for the race ends. MK and Mei get pretty excited, which she greatly enjoys. But when she hears that they're going to enter the race, they get a little worried. She wonders if she should look after them or go with them or if she should just let them have fun. Tang reassures her that there's nothing to worry about, and Mei also tells Sushi that she knows the roads super well! This eases their paranoia, and she agrees to watching from the sidelines. Sushi would have several spikes of anxiety for them throughout the race, but things end up well. She celebrates their win with Pigsy and Tang.

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