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"Okay so when you're backing out of a parking lot, just let go of the brake and it will reverse on its own." Ian explained to Ella. She nodded and let go of the brake like he said. "Good just like that."

"Shit it's going too fast." Ella whispered to herself. She started to feel nervous as the car reversed out of the parking space more and more.

"Hey, don't worry, it's okay. If you don't feel comfortable you can always press on the break to stop." Ian assured her. She looked at him worriedly and nodded.

"Sorry I don't want to accidentally crash your car."

"You won't. And kung mabangga mo naman, it doesn't matter. As long as safe ka." Ella harshly pressed on the breaks, and Ian laughed at her expression when she turned to look at him.

"This is a Mercedes Benz?! That costs nearly 5 million! Anong it's okay ka dyan?!" she exclaimed.

"Car parts can be replaced and fixed, but I don't want you getting hurt. So it's fine. I know you were also given a Benz so driving this car will make you comfortable when you drive your own." Ella felt a blush creep up her cheek and she quickly looked away before he could notice.

"Okay. Just teach me how to get out of this parking space."

"When you feel like there's enough space, start turning your wheel in the direction you want to go." Ian explained. Ella nodded and did as she was told.

"Ready to go on the main road?" Ella slammed on the breaks again, launching Ian forward. He laughed and adjusted his seat belt so it felt comfortable.

"Main road?! No no no. I can't do that!" she exclaimed, panicking a bit.

"Hey, you'll be okay. I'm here. I'll guide you and help you. As much as I don't want to pressure you, your driving test will come up sooner than you think. So we need to get you on the road and comfortable with driving by then okay?" Ella hesitated before nodding.

"You're okay. I'm here. I'll keep you safe." he told her. It was something so simple, but brought so many memories to the both of them.

The assurance he always gave her when they were kids, is the same assurance he was giving her now. She knew deep down that he kept that promise for years. He's always there for her and keeping her safe even if it's from afar. She knows that if she let him close to her again, he would take every opportunity he can to be by her side. He made promises he kept and that annoyed Ella. Because she knew that one of those promises was what caused them to become mere strangers with memories.

She knew deep down she missed her best friend. He was her other half, some would even call them platonic soulmates. But that was all they were. Simply platonic. Or so she thought.

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