It all begins

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Hannibal Lecter was exploring America trying to find where he should sink his claws next. This was in the '70s so he was younger. He was around 30 at the time. He had just left Europe and came here to get away from all that. Make a new name for himself. On his search he stumbled across this little town in Oregon…It was so strange and the people there were interesting. He didn't particularly like the atmosphere but the sites were beautiful. If he could find that one piece of higher life here He might consider staying. It was too pretty to pass up.
Another perk of the small organ town was it seemed to have a secret one that he could definitely uncover and use against the inhabitants. That intrigued him. It made him feel powerful. He could operate at such a large scale although that would be hard work. He decided to work on a smaller scale for now. He needed to get to know some of the people in this town. He decided to do that by walking into the local diner although he wasn't going to eat anything in there not until he at least confirmed it was edible. As he entered the diner he noticed a man sitting at one of the tables. He was writing something. As he examined the man further He noticed something off about him.
He noticed the man had Polydactyly and an almost perfect case at that. That intrigued him so he had to talk to this man. Also by the looks of it [and for lack of a better phrase] This man looked weak like he would be easy to mess with. He had to capitalize on this.
"This is sudden but I couldn't help but notice your drawings they're amazing" That was how he started the conversation and once he felt it was socially safe to continue he sat down. The man looked up at him and then backed on his paper.
"Oh it's nothing really I just draw what I see" said Stanford pines. He had been living in this town for about a year now. He was continuing his studies on cryptids but that isn't what he called them. He called them anomalies which is scientifically what they would be. Things that shouldn't happen in the real world yet they do. Having someone compliment his work was nice. He will admit that.
"Art like that doesn't come naturally you must have practiced. I would know I am also an artist" Hannibal said because he knew praise from another artist was more valuable than someone who didn't know what they were doing who couldn't fully appreciate the work they had to put into every piece they made.
"Well it's nice to meet a fellow artist" Ford said this man was getting more and more intriguing as time went on. He was getting stuck on the accent. He couldn't pin it. It was nothing he had ever heard before. This man had to be from Europe or something. All he knew is it was some foreign white country. "What brought you here? You seem so different from this place." He said, looking him up and down. He was dressed so nice
"I came for the exploration Oregon is a very beautiful state here in America I wanted to visit it and to get the most authentic feeling I wanted to visit a small town" He explained. He bore a light smile throughout their entire conversation. He really was intriguing and he had to admit the man in front of him was fairly handsome.
"This area is very interesting. I know you don't look dressed for it and maybe back at your hotel you do have some clothes that would be more suited for hiking…but would you like to go hiking" Ford asked and Hannibal thought about it for a second.
"Yes I would like to go hiking" The invitation seemed odd, like something a murderer would invite you to go do but he knew he could hold his own so he decided to go. "I will go home and get ready. I do have stuff that is more suited for the wilderness" Hannibal had his writing jacket which he used whenever he was on a motorcycle which wasn't often but sometimes he would so it was good to have. Yes sweatpants that would work for it that were a bit thicker than his dress pants.
"Okay how about we meet back here in an hour?" Ford asked, hoping that would give him enough time. He was excited to go. No one seemed genuinely interested in his work until now.
"That would be a perfect plan" Hannibal said as he stood up. He then handed him a slip of paper. "This is the number for The phone I have in my temporary residence. In case after our hike you would want to contact me again" He said and Ford took it.
"Thank you I don't have mine on me I'll get it to you though" Ford said taking the piece of paper and then they both walked out of the diner. The both left for their houses to get prepared for their hike. This was going to be fun.

Hannibal lecter X Stanford pines. (Hannibal and gravity falls crossover)Where stories live. Discover now