ready for adventure

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Stanford had got there before Hannibal and decided to just wait. It was about 10 minutes after the meeting that he got a little nervous. He was afraid he wasn't actually going to show up but he had gotten already for a hike for nothing until a car pulled up. It was a rather fancy one. He could tell whoever owned it had money. He wasn't judging them, just surprised that someone had money who lived around here. Then he noticed that it was the man he was supposed to meet up with and that kind of made him happy. It was nice to meet someone who didn't have financial troubles they had to worry about. This relationship could be comfortable and that was a nice thought.
Hannibal got out of the car and walked over to Stanford knowing he'd have to explain himself. "I'm terribly sorry I'm late because traffic was getting bad. It seemed like everyone was going to the same place. I guess that's what happens in a small town where all of the houses are on one side and the workplaces are on another." Hannibal said hoping he was making an interesting conversation. He always tried."Oh yeah I guess that would make it a bit difficult to get down here. Thank you for making it down here though I was getting nervous." Ford admitted. he didn't like when people were late. He would let it go though for him. He could tell he was already going to be letting a lot of things slide with this man and he didn't know if he should. In Hannibal's opinion it was better that he felt this now rather than later. Stanford then spoke again "I was thinking we could take my car to the spot I want to start hiking in. Are you okay with that?" He was hoping he was just going to say yes. He was okay with it. He didn't have the mental effort to think of something else or the physical effort to walk farther than the path.
"That sounds like a perfect idea. lead the way to your car" Hannibal said following Stanford to wherever he wanted to take him right now. He liked that he was just taking the lead. Don't get him wrong Hannibal does like to be in control but sometimes it's good to let a little of that go to lure the person into a false sense of security.
Ford nodded and walked to his car getting into the driver's seat as Hannibal gotten to the passenger seat. It wasn't anything special but the car wasn't in bad condition. Hannibal felt comfortable sitting in it. It wasn't something he couldn't bear to be seen in so that was good. "Okay so just double check you have everything you need" Ford said this was always something that he did before he went out He found it helped him.
He checked and yes he had everything he needed "Don't worry I'm ready I have everything I need You can start driving" He said and he couldn't help but smile he really liked this guy.
Now they were off into the great unknown.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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