Sophie's Pov

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They walked a bit longer until they arrived at the horse stable. Still on Silveny’s back, she led the horses into a fenced grassy area and let Keefe’s horse free.

The horse sniffed Keefe's arm, when the boy didn’t ract he went bored an walked away.

Sophie slowly turned around and, thanks her clumsy self, lost her balance and rowed through the air with her arms. She closed her eyes and prepared for a hard impact on the ground when-

Strong arms cought her and pulled her back on Silveny’s back.

Sophie blushed emberessed and murmured a ‘Thanks’ when she straightened up. The boy laughed “Already falling for me?”

Before she get a chance to responce he hopped from Silveny’s back and ran a hand through his hair. Sophie hated to admit that it made him look even better and bushed even more. “Checking me out, huh. All people fall for THE HAIR, I should have guessed it.”

Sophie completly embaressed, hopped from Silveny’s back and tried- and failed- to change the topic, but Keefe, luckily saved her and said “What’s your surname, Sophie?”

“Umm, Foster, and yours?” “Well Foster, My name is Lord Hunkyhair but if you really want to find out, then you have to spend more time with me.”

He winked, Sophie blushed.

“What is the name of your hourse by the way, mine’s is Silveny” Keefe slung an arm around her neck and smirked “A very beautiful name, do you know what else is beautiful?”

Sophie blushed “What?” Keefe smirked deeper “Guess.”

She knew the answer: her 
But what was that? Teasing? Or Flirting? No, it can’t be flirting... not from a boy, she had met bevore a half an hour! Not from a boy with that hilarious hair, iceblue eyes with warmth in it, always a smirk on his lips. He must be really cool and popular.

Suddenly she realized that Keefe was still waiting for an answer from her. She frantically searched for it. “Ummm... Silveny?” He cracked up “Nooo! Meee!”

She stand there in shock ‘till they both were laughing on the floor, Keefe wiping away tears and Sophie blushed like a tomato. 

“Well....what do today?” Keefe said between laughters.

A/N Which are your ships?
Sokeefe (of course)








Lylie for the Winh






The Best: Candelitz

Or someone else?

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