The semifinals

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The Semi-finals were announced on 29/1/2023 . Ash vs Calem and Sophocles vs Hau. Ash won by using her Rowlet and Hau won by using her Kantish Raichu.
Misty, the girlfriend of Ash was very happy due to she might win the League.
Serena, the girlfriend of Calem was very sad due to her boyfriend losing to her rival.
Elio and Selene were very happy because their best friend, Hau, won to Sophocles and might win the whole League.
Gladion wasn't very surprised to Hau's victory because the day before they were training just to win the matches.
Hala ,the Kahuna of Melemele island and the grandfather of Hau was proud of his granddaughter won the Semi-finals .

The matches for the Grand Final was obviously Hau vs Ash

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The matches for the Grand Final was obviously Hau vs Ash..............

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