chapter 4

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Marinette opened her eyes and she looked around. She was laying in her bed. She was confused the last time she checked she was in the library reading a book.

She got up slowly and looked to her right to see cat noir standing by the window. She gasped. He turned around and looked at her.

"Morning", he said as he placed his hands behind his back. "Morning", Mary replied. "How did I get here?", She asked. " fell asleep in the library so I brought you up here", he said as he walked towards the bed.

"Oh ok", marinette said as she crawled at the edge of the bed. "Can I ask you something?", She asked in a shy tone. "Sure", he replied with a small smile.

"Why did you kidnap me?", She asked. Cat smiled, he then walked towards and bent down to her level. "I took you because I want you to be mine", he said as he looked into her eyes.

"You want me?", She asked softly. "why?", She asked. "I don't know why I just want you to be mine. And I love the way you smile, the way you speak, the way you put a strand of hair behind your ear. The way you laugh it's........breath taking", he explained in a tender tone.

Marinette looked at him in shock. How did he know how she laughed? How her smile looked? How? "How do you know about all of that?", She asked, confused.

"I told you.....I know everything about you", he replied. He got up and grabbed both of her hands. They both stood up. "I want you Marinette to be my slave", he said.

"What? Your slave?", Marinette asked as she raised an eyebrow. "Yes", he replied. He kissed her lips softly. Marinette's eyes widened in shock.

He broke the kiss and smiled at her. "Be mine?", He asked. "I-i don't-", she was cut off as he kissed her again. He pushed her against the wall.

"Please......", He said softly. Marinette looked into his eyes. He hugged her tightly. His embrace felt warm it was kinda strange. Since she only met him yesterday and she

"My parents and friends will be looking for me", she said. Cat smirked. "They won't find you here, I assure you that", marinette looked at him confused.

"What do you mean?", She asked. "I live in the forest", he said. His hand gripped her waist and pulled her closer.

"I'm not letting you go, your mine and mine only", cat caressed her face and kissed her passionately. He broke the kiss and kisses her on her cheek.

He then traveled towards her neck and gave her kisses. Marinette moaned. " stop", he stopped and looked at her.

"I-im a virgin. I've never done this before", she confessed. "All the better to make you mine", he said while smirking.

Marinette gasped. She pulled away quickly. "No!! Please don't make me do it with you!!", She cried. Cat didn't mean to make her scared he was only joking.

"Hey calm down I'm not gonna make you do anything", he said as he walked towards her. Marinette's breathing got faster.

She now felt that spirit of fear rise in her. She turns around a runs towards the bed. She ran in the bed and went to the back of it.

"Hey it's ok, I'm not gonna make you do anything ok?", He said softly trying to calm her down. "Look, I'm sorry. I got ahead of myself because I haven't seen another human being outside me house in a long time", he said as he scratched his head nervously.

"You haven't seen another human being?", Marinette asked as he looked at him in confusion. "I've kept in here my whole life by my father. But when he died I had no one to take care of me. And he kept me inside for so many years that I didn't go outside even when he died", he explained sadly.

"Oh wow, I didn't know I'm so sorry", Marinette said as she climbed out of the bed. "I can be your slave. I can do things for. Just tell me what you want me to do", she said as he walked towards him.

Cat lifted his head and looked at her with a small smile. "nothing much. Just small things like bringing me coffee and other things like that ok?", He said. Marinette nodded.

"I can do that, I promise I'll be good", she said as she bowed her head mannerly. Cat smiled. "Ok let's get to it", he then turned around and Marinette followed behind him.

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