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Enough of my ranting.

Enjoy the story now😅

Dubai :

Karan, Omi and Prince were in a meeting. They were presenting their work to big MNC for the tie up. It was going very smoothly and in favor of them.

After 4 hours of meeting and discussion, MNC agreed to tie up with them. Also they agreed to sponsor Karan's company's branch in Mumbai.

All three of them were so happy. Finally they achieved their first milestone. It was their dream to work with the MNC.

So after the office hours got over three of them decided to party. But they were not in the mood for clubbing so they decided to do the khamba party at Karan's house.

At Karan's home,
K : Congratulations guys! Finally we did it!
P : Yess guys, Finally!!
O : Yeah our dream Finally came true bhai.

Just like that they celebrated. But Karan was somehow lost somewhere and was zoning out. This was noticed by Omi so he began to ask questions.

O : What happened Karan, where are you lost.
K : Nothing Om just enjoying!
O(sarcastically) : Yeah I just met you yesterday right. Come on bhai spill it. What is bothering you.
K : Ughh.. What will I do hiding things from both of you!!! I..I..
Om and Prince got his emotion and completed his statement: You miss Teja bhai right!?
Karan was shocked would be an under statement but he knew his friends and they knew him too well too.
K : Yes guys, I miss her. I miss her every day. Don't you guys have her information or anyone's contact who is in touch with her. Do something and get my Laddoo back!!!
He was on verge of crying. But somehow gathered himself.

Omi and Prince both were feeling helpless. But they also don't have any leads on her information. They consoled Karan and after so much efforts distracted him from her thoughts.
They chit chatted for some time and both left for their respective houses.
And Karan also went to sleep. Not knowing that his search is finally going to end and he will be meeting his Laddoo very soon.


Teju as usual was working on her desk. And suddenly got the mail from her Project Manager for an urgent meeting.
Soon Aada, Aneri and Yuvi joined her and four of them left for the meeting.

In the meeting they got know that their current project is in final stage of completion so it will be forwarded to another team. And their team will be working with some startup company from Dubai! And will help them grow their business in Mumbai.

Teju loved this initiative of her company to help the Young talent grow. Because she always believed in the saying ,"You'll definitely grow when you help others." She was very happy to work with fresh minds and young energy same as hers. Unaware of the fact that she was going to deal with the person she never wanted to see the face off!

The days passed like wind. All were completing the past pending work to start the new venture.

Let's see how the first meet of Tejran goes!
Also guess what will be their reaction!!!

Hope you liked this part!
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hopeless romantic writer

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