Unpleasant Suprise

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Hey guys, after all the amazing feeback I got I'm carrying on with this book:D I'm going to try and make it as interesting as possible okay?I'm trying my hardest. So stay tuned for some hardcore shit yeah:D


Hadley's p.o.v

I had to confront Cale, he didn't know! And if he didn't know it means he will still keep trying, trying to win me over?me, his sister. Eugh.

'How's my favourite girl?'Cale said smiling, walking round the corner and quickly pulling me into a hug. Pushing him away he looked confused. 'We need to talk'I say eyeing him. 'Hm, okay! Yeah sure'

We walked out the house together towards to spot under the tree. He sat down whilst I remaided standing, 'I, erm, i-i'I stuttered squinting my eyes and pulling softly at my hair. 'Yourmybrother'I say quickly before closing my mouth shut and looking at him worried.' Where?wait what!? How the fuck did this happen? I felt the shock, you did too. How could this be?so your not my mate?'He said eyeing me curiously. 'No, where not mates and yes were siblings' I said cringing at the word. 'But how do you know for sure?'He asks me, his voice full with concern. 'I hoped you was my mate, your beautiful, funny, lovely, so cut-'he said before I cut him off with a blank'enough'. 'I'm your sister, not your mate. Just accept the fact that we can't be together?'I say, a tad annoyed. 'I, erm, right. Fine, your not my mate'he says before getting off and smoothing down his jeans. 'Bye Sister'he said then stalked off towards the house.

I know I was coming off as being a bitch but, he had too know. If I was too nice he'd probably run back, if I was stern, it would help him forget that were mates.

Ryker's my mate now.

Cales' p.o.v

Well, that wasn't harsh at all?

Finding out your mate is your sister doesn't go down very well after thinking for the past month your in love with her, trying to make her love you too. This was all too much to take in, with great disgust I called out to Blue.

What was I doing?she came sauntering in my room in nothing but a t-shirt, oh my. 'Get on over here'I say smirking, leaning further up on the bed, her lips turned into a big grin, hastily closing the door she pratically pounched on me, straddling my hips. Bringing my lips to her ear I fanned my hot breath across her lobe, feeling the goosebumps appear on her hips. I smirked and kissed her, she let out a deep moan. I flipped us over so I was on top, fuck you Hadley.

Hadley's p.o.v

A disgusted pout appeared on my face, hearing your brother down the hall having wild sex was not a good thing to hear. I shuddered at a mild thought that popped into my head, yuck.

I got changed from my previous outfit too some sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt. Grabbing my phone I walked down the stairs and towards the living room, I could hear the faint noise of the tv and a few giggles, walking in Claudia was sat down, a person hugging her round the waist and kissing her neck. 'Oh Hadley'Claudia almost squeeled, the guy that was holding her waist suddenly fell face first on the cushion. 'Slade, come on'she said holding out her hand. Slade?! He was here?, like right in front of me. 'Hadley, meet Slade. Slade meet Hadley'she protested standing at the side of us both. He looked up and a genuine smile appeared in his face. Holding out his hand I shook it gently. 'I'm so excited you guys have met now'she said with a big smile. 'Been a long while'Slade said, smiling slightly. 'Has indeed, too long don't you think?'I say crossing my arms.

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