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Hadley's p.o.v.

The date went splendidly, no i didnt use the extra condom that Claudia snook into the zip pocket of my purse. We did kiss

though, he claims were throwing a massive party for my birthday, Jenny's already sending out the invites. Claudia's already thinking of colour schemes. "we have to go shopping soooon, you have to look extra hot for Rykerrrrrrr"she used to squeal everytime the subject conjures up into our conversation.

'Claudia, i love you loads but seriously shut up about the party, its all you ever go on about, the subject is quite boring now' i say sounding annoyed, 'but its going to be special, your going to love it and and' she soon run out of things too say, her voice was whiny and babyish. 'c'mon Clauds, your mum probably wants help with dinner?' i say tapping her lightly on the cheek.

After some cooking, and a whole lot of plasters and bandages later Dinner was finished and everyone was sat at the table clearly enjoying themselves, grub of the night was a chicken dinner. Everyone loved it.

'why did i touch that pan?' Claudia spoke cradling her bandaged hand. 'hm maybe it was because you was the greedy one and wanted too get too the food like 3 seconds it was pulled out the oven' i say chuckling, she frowns and hugs her hand. 'anyway, its getting close too my birthday, need to get a dress am i correct?' i say eyeing up Claudia, her eyes twinkled with happiness. 'omg, we need to go shopping first thing tomorrow' she squeaks, flapping her arms in excitement.


'WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!!!!!' Clauds screamed in my face.. i shot up and looked at the clock hanging on the wall. 7:30am.

'YOU WOKE ME UP THIS EARLY ON A SATURDAY?!?!' she looks at me guiltely.

'you said-' i cut her off before she could finish, 'ill forgive you if you let me sleep in tomorrow?' she nods and says 'deal' before jumping off my bed and heading out the door.

I hopped out of bed and made my way towards the shower. After covering myself in Green Apple scented shampoo and wash i got out and dried myself off.

Following that i picked out my clothes, settling on dark wash skinny jeans, a cream knitted jumper and cream low top converse.

I braided my hair too the side and applied natural make-up. Soon after Claudia came rushing into my room telling me that Jenny was dropping us off, oh the joys of being young and not driving.

'how about this one?' Clauds said holding up a tight red strapless dress. 'try it' i say, walking over too the jean section in Topshop. 'oh no no no' Clauds said steering me away. 'dresses only'She strictly orders. I sigh and walk over too the dress section. I flick threw the racks but nothing seems too float my boat! Claudia comes rushing up too me handing me about 5 dresses and orders me too try them on.

First is a tight black dress, with a bright blue ribbon across the middle. I try it on and model it for my fashion critic of a best friend. She shakes her head and tells me too take it off. Next up is a floaty,strapless, ruby red dress. Its absolutely gorgeous. It fell about mid thigh and flowed out at

the waist. I twirl around and wait for an approval. She nods her head, and ushers me too take it off.

After paying for the dress and walking out the shop we decided too stop off and eat. THANK FUCK, Clauds killed me..if you cant tell i hate shopping for formal wear, its boring!!!

Choosing Nando's we walked in, the overwhelming smell of chicken filled my nostrils. Taking a seat we ordered.

While waiting for our food Blue and her 'posse' walked in. The great smell of chicken was soon gone and was filled with a sickly sweet smell of makeup, perfume and silicon..Looking in our direction smirking, 'sauntering' over they stopped and looked down at us. 'What do you want Navy?' i say, causing a snigger too come from Claudia. She glares down at me, fake laughing.

'Girls, can you smell that? smells like fish' Blue said laughing.

'Sure that's not you? Ryker told me you stunk of it, oh and that it was like throwing a hot dog down a hallway' Claudia giggled again, Blue huffed and walked, well practically ran out of the restaurant. 'BYE TURQUOISE!' i shout waving enthusiastically, getting a few weird looks off the employees and the public.

'and that is why your my best friend, i love you' Claudia said laughing.








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