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                         (These events take place about 3 years before the Sandwing Succession)

     False flew as fast as he could. His 4 wings beat fast, but he could still hear the hissing voices of King Slithra and Prince Serpentine. Even worse the roars of the hypnotized army. He felt like he was about to drop into the water below him from his wing aches before he felt it...

It was too late. Serpentine cried out as everything became muffled, he had been bitten and slashed by Choken's venomous claws and fangs. Everything became blurry as False dropped into the ocean below as his ripped wings frantically were trying to keep him up.

False woke up washed up on a shore of a savanna. He checked his bag, yep still there. He still had that piece of paper, a page of The Gift Of Magic. As he scanned his surroundings, he saw many large structures buzzing with dragons, but they weren't the dragons he had seen in the Razorwings scrolls. They all had  4 wings, and were anywhere from rainbow to entirely black with a speck of yellow. Well, at least it wasn't The Islands. He would miss the welcoming Sunwings and Fierce Razorwings though...

[His full name is False Water Cobra]

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