I lied, however this is a new part

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Robin and Finney were gacha kids and would sing Toy at their lunch table with billy and griffin (my friends used to do this in 4th grade lmao)

finney shaved his head, has dyed it insane colors, and did scene hair at one point (this was the reason for him shaving his head)

Gwen forced Finney to watch the sharknado movies, he cried.

Robin lost a bet with Vance and had to wear a galaxy dress to school.

Finney bites people bc why not lmao

Robin and Finney are people that will watch a show or movie to make fun of it.

Finney broke his nose while chasing Robin, he just like slammed into a door.


Ik this is literally short as fuck, but I was bored, and I'm sick, so I decided to update this.

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