1- characters

45 0 0

1- you!!, y/n y/l/n
[ 21 ]
just left college, pretty young girl living in a gorgeous home just outside the main town

3- your best friend!!, taramia poze
[ 22 ]
your bsf since highschool  always knows what's best for you, lives in the small town around 30 minutes from you.

4- your best friends child, darien poze
[ 3 ]
your bsf's little boy, his an adorable child who ur usually babysitting (lives with ur bsf ofc)

5- your best friends boyfriend, dawson conzey
[ 24 ]
your close friend, you two usually talk quite alot. his a well known man in the business community and a sweet guy (lives with ur bsf but is usually busy with work)

6- your puppy!! bear
[ 4 months old ]
your emotional support and favourite fluffy friend in the world (lives with you ofc)

if there's more characters they will be introduced along the way, enjoy !!!

sorry if there are any spelling mistakes

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