Before I Can Start :3

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Eep! Okay. I'm gonna introduce few people on this story or whatever.

Sonic: What will we call you?

Meh: Ummm...... Marshall. :3 Still call me with my fictional name.

Shadow: Why not your true name?

Marshall: Eep! Too long! Plus, many peeps might not able to pronounce it right. -3-

Shadow: -.- That's your lose.

Marshall: Anyways, I'll put on meh best buddy who actually knows everything about me. I'll call you Sir Red for a while.

Sonic: Wait- He's a guy?

Marshall: Does it look like a girl? -,-

Sonic: *looks at Red* Right.

Shadow: Is he Senpai?

Marshall: No! My Senpai! I'm his slave! =_=

Red: Now get meh a drink.

Marshall: *wears a Butler suit* Yes Senpai.

Silver: Why wearing a guys clothes? Wait! ○0○ You lesbian (tomboy in other words)?!

Marshall: No! -.- I will never be! Just hate wearing Maid's clothes. Not wearing any dresses, remember?

Silver: Boyish, eh? *opens the fridge for meh*

Red: *screams* SLAVE, WHERE'S MY DRINK?!?!?!

Marshall: -_- *makes ice tea* Comin'!

Red: Faster you slow poke!

Marshall: *walks towards Senpai then suddenly slipped into a wire*

Shadow: *stares at the scene (in slow motion)* You know what this means.

Sonic: Ship 'em!

Marshall: *hits her head in Senpai's foot*

Red: You okay?

Marshall: You think?

Red: *grabs Marshall's hand then wiped her cheek* Be careful, would yah? Why you always clumsy?

Marshall: Hihi! ^0^ Oh Senpai! You care!

Red: No I don't! *quickly let's go then crosses his arms*

Sonic: Yes! 030 Marshed!

Marshall: For so many ships, why Marshed?! Rather die!

Shadow: Change your name again. -____-

Marshall: ;-; But I wuv my name!

Sonic: Still change it!

Marshall: -___-

Who's the Crazy Person Now? (A Random Story with Sonic and friends)Where stories live. Discover now