#15 [ distance ]

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A few months passed

[ 9 January 2023, Monday ]

They just started their school ( same session ) as they were having a break .

The both of Wymen and Aisyah has become closer as day passes by . Their friendship is stronger than anything else.

Without realising, Aisyah has been putting some feeling towards Wymen.

But.. Something has been to come up which made Aisyah build a boundary between them.

Its all started when..

Aisyah is at the square doing some school work done as the assembly is not yet to be started.

"Weh, Aisyah." Amirah, Aisyah's classmate who is talk to Aisyah very bare.

"Ha, kenapa ?" Aisyah asked as she look up to where Amirah is.

"Kau rapat dengan Wymen kan ? She suddenly asked.

"Haah, kenape ?" Aisyah replied weirdly.

"Aku dengar lah kan .."
"Dia ada awek."
"Betul ke ?" Amirah asked leaving Aisyah in shock.

"Hah ?"
"Dari mana kau dengar ni ?" Aisyah asked.

"Kau kan kawan dia, takkan kau tak tahu ?"
"Tengah kecoh la sekarang ni pasal si Wymen tu couple dengan si Lily kelas sebelah tu.." Amirah gossiped.

"Lily yang top 10 student tu ke ?" Aisyah asked.

"Ye laa.. School girl crush tu."
"Lagipon aku tengok dorang sepadan."
"Sama cantik, sama padan la kalau nak dikatakan." Amirah said.

"Oh haha yela."
"Aku tak tau bab-bab ni."
"Kalau kau nak tau kau tanya la dia sendiri."
Aisyah said as a disappointed could be hear during she talked.

"Halah-halah yang kau sedih sangat ni apasal ?"
"Jangan-jangan, kau suka wymen tak ?" Amirah asked teasingly.

"Eh mana ada ." Aisyah said as she shook her head a multiple times.

"Kita kena sedar jugak, kita ni melayu je.." and that was amirah's last word before leaving aisyah in her own thought.

Aisyah's POV

"Kita kena sedar jugak, kita ni melayu je.." Honestly, what Amirah said just woke me up from the reality.

"Betul jugak tu, Aisyah."
"Kau ni melayu je."
"Lily tu cantik.. pandai .. yang penting dorang boleh together .." I said to myself.

From that time... I said to my self that im going to change. I tried to make a distance between Wymen and I. I tried to let all of my feelings towards Wymen disappeared.

Even the rumour has not yet to be confirmed, but I know I'm nothing to compared with chinese girl in the school. Literally all of them are pretty.

After the assembly ended, my classmate and I including Wymen went to our class to start our lesson.

I sit on my seat and getting all of my stuff out. I was searching for Airis but I remember that she told me that she couldn't make it to school today.

"Hi, Aisyah !" A familiar voice come from the front of my table.

I look up to see Wymen in front of my desk.

"Uh.. hi." I said, not going to make an eye contact with him so I stare at my pencil case.

"What's wrong ?"
"U alright ?" Wymen asked in concerned as he pull the chair to sit on it next to me since Airis is absent.


"Dont sit here." I said holding the chair, not letting him to sit on it.

"Why ?"
"Airis is absent right ?" Wymen asked.

"I'm just.."
"Not feeling well.."
"Could you just give me some space please." I said trying not to higher my tone.

"Are you fine ?"
"Tell me if you need anything."
"Are sure you dont need to go to bilik rehat ?"
"I can give you company." Wymen asked.

"I just need my time alone."
"Hope you understand." I smiled.

By that he answered my smile with a smile on his face.

"How am i going to lose my feelings if he's acting like this.."
"Why is he treating me the same even if he got a girlfriend already ?"

[ end of Aisyah's POV ]

Recess time

For the first time after a while, Aisyah spend her recess time by herself. She walked out of the class as fast as she could. Not as always, she'll wait for Wymen before going for recess together.

[ Wymen's POV ]

"What is wrong with her ?"
"She's having a bad day isn't it ?"
"She'll probably will be okay after she get some space.."
"I don't want to push her." I thought as i saw her getting out of the class in rush.

I decided to give her some space. She needs her time alone. Maybe this time her problem is even bigger that she couldn't share it with me.

So, I spend my recess time with my cousin, Xinzhan and his gang. His gang is actually kinda cool tho. All of them are so friendly.

As we're chit chatting on the bench, I saw Aisyah from a far. She's staring on to nothing as I can see her eyes shining like its going to burst into tears in any second from now.

" Hii, Liew Wymen!" Said a chinese girl that came out of nowhere.

"Uh hi ?" I answered.

" Zhè shì gěi nín de... ( this is for you..)"she said as she's handing me a chocolate.

" Wèi wǒ?( for me ? )" i asked as i took a look at Aisyah and surprisingly we made an eye contact.

" Duìbùqǐ, dàn wǒ bùnéng jiēshòu zhège.( sorry, i cant accept this.) " i said handing back the chocolate to her.

"Nǐ néng jiēshòu ma? Bié dānxīn wǒ bù huì dú sǐ nǐ.( can't accept? don't worry i won't poison you.) the girl insisted while handing the chocolate back and walk away.

I look at where Aisyah was seating but she's no where to be seen.

" Nǐ kàn dào ài shāle ma ? ( did you see Aisyah ?)" i asked to Xinzhan.

" Kàn bù dào.( nope.)" he answered.

" Nǐ zhīdào nà shì shéi ma? (Do you know who that was?)" Jun Heng one of the member asked.

" Nà shì shéi? ( who's that ?)" i asked.

"Lily. "
" Tā shì měi gèrén de míliàn duìxiàng.( she's literally everyone's crush.) Wei Cheng, the other said as he admired Lily from a far.

"Dǎ bùguò wǒ de bǎobèi nǚ péngyǒu.." ( well can't beat my girlfriend ) chenqian, the tallest among all of then said as his face gone delusional as hell.

" here we go this shit again ." Xinzhan said.

"Well she's not my type tho." I said not giving a fvck.

End of Wymen's POV

To be continued.

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