Chapter 26

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After cleaning the auditorium I remembered that we have to go to Toby's place to check out his basement.

ME- Edward let's go. We have to meet the gang at Toby's house.

EDWARD- Ya sure.

We start walking towards Toby's place holding hands. When we reach we see that everyone are already come and wow they have a big smile on their faces. OMG I guess it is because of the fact that I told the girls that Edward and I are dating.

FELICIA- Look Edreya has finally arrived.

I blush and I am sure I look like a big ripe tomato right now. Suddenly Maria – the slow one in our group asks.

MARIA- Who is Edreya now?

FELICIA- Dumbo, Edward + Freya = Edreya

MARIA- Ohhhhhhhhh, I see.

Felicia just rolls her eyes and we all start laughing. We go to Toby's basement and I must say it's a really awesome oh wait Rossome place. We decide that from tomorrow we will start the practice and that we will perform the song Ready Set Rock by R5. We decide everything and go to our respective homes. Well Edward reaches me to my home and after a romantic goodnight kiss goes back to his house.

6 DAYS LATER  (A/N I am gonna skip the video shooting part)

Phew! Well these past few days have been really tiring. We sent the video of our performance to the address that was mentioned. Well I really hope we win. Anyway right now something important that is taking place is on my mind and that is PROM. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!.......NOT. Prom is just after 5 days and Edward has still not asked me to go with him yet. In fact he has not been around much lately. God knows why. Is something wrong to him? Or did I do something to hurt him? Is he having second thoughts about our relationship? I think about all these questions, but whatever the question is... My heart gives me only one answer, that whatever said and done - if Edward has something to tell me, he will tell me directly and frankly. He is not a guy who will keep his bestie or girlfriend in darkness. Well whatever I hope he is alright.........I MISS YOU EDWARD.

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