Chapter 27

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Wow! It's been a long time since I last saw her, but what can I do? I wanted to ask her to be my date for the prom in the most romantic way and so I have been working after school to earn some money to ask my sweetheart in the sweetest way possible to be my date and I finally earned enough and have planned everything. I just hope she likes it.

I call Freya's number. She picks up.

ME- Hey princess are you free tomorrow night?

FREYA- Umm ya I guess, why?

ME- Actually I wanted to take you out on our first official date.


ME- Hello Freya? Freya are you there?

FREYA- Ya-Ya sorry. I have been waiting for a long time to hear that and now that you said it I kinda went into shock mode.

I start laughing.

ME- Well then see you at 8pm tomorrow?

FREYA- Yup. Bye.

We hang up. I start going through all my preparations to see whether everything is perfect and then I go home. I start thinking about tomorrow Okay, everything seems perfect. I hope she likes what I have in store for her.



Well truth be told I am very excited about the date tonight. I look at my wardrobe wondering what to wear. Well this dress looks nice. No, the other one looks better. Arrrrrgh I need help. I decide to call the girls.

*On conference call*

ME- Girls Edward asked me out for our first official date.

FELICIA and MARIA- (screams)

ME- Wow thanks for making me deaf.

FELICIA- sorry so what are you wearing ? and please tell me you are dressing up for the occasion and not just going in your casual attire.

ME- Well that's the problem I need yours and Maria's help, I cannot decide what to wear and yes Felicia I know I need to dress up for the occasion. I mean it's my first date ever. (I say while blushing like a tomato)

MARIA- Awww.

FELICIA- I am so happy for you guys and,

BOTH- We will be there in 15 minutes.

We hang up. After 15 minutes they both enter my room.

MARIA- Let's get to work.

After literally turning my room upside down, we go down to the kitchen to grab something to eat and drink.

FELICIA- So where are you guys going?

ME- Ummmmm, I don't know actually I forgot to ask.

MARIA- You forgot to ask. (she gives me a are you dumb? look)

ME- Well Edward had called me after such a long time so I guess I went into shock mode and hence my mind was not working.

Both looked at each other.

FELICIA- Is everything alright between you guys?

ME- Yes...... I guess.

FELICIA- Well you can ask him why he did not call you or keep in touch with you in between when you meet him. Now you better hurry up and go and rest for sometime.

I nod and we all go up to my room.

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