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       "We've been patient wit yo lying ass where tf is the money" he spoke as Von raised his gun to the man's head.

"I-I don't have it all I need more time" the man said as Von pistol whipped him in the head getting angry at his words.

"Either hand us the fucking money or we kill yo goofy ass" Polo said as Von cocked his gun back raising it at the man's head once again.

Namir and Lathan sat watching the whole thing go down while eating fruit snacks they found in the pantry.

"I would hate to have to kill you knowing the kind of daughter you have, she would be defenseless without you folks," he spoke while looking at the photo that showed the man's beautiful daughter.

Von laughed a lil seeing the funny face the girl made in the picture.

"I-I man I-I can get the rest by tonight please man I need to see my sister" the man said taking out 10,000 out his pocket throwing it on the ground next to him.

"I just need a couple more hours man please" the man said making Polo walk to the picture examining it carefully.

"How old is she he said still staring at the picture on the wall"

"18" the man spoke trying to stand up making Von kick his leg making the man sit back down.

"Did I tell u to get tf up" Von said while keeping his eyes on the picture licking his lips looking at the pretty girl making a cute pose in the frame.

"When ha birthday" Nahmir said walking to grab the picture off the wall.

"December 3" the man said rubbing his hand over his face.

"Sagittarius" lathan mumbled licking his lips and standing up walking to the front door.

"We gone, u better have our money by tonight"von said as they all walked out the door taking the picture of the girl with them.

"All I gotta do is get the money tonight and everything will be fine" he murmured to himself as he took out his phone and called his sister.

"Hey I think we gonna be a little late kimani's hungry and ima take her to get something to eat" she said "nahh she can get something to eat here I'll Order som- "noo I'm hungry noww" he heard his daughters voice in the background.

"Aii how abt u come pick me up and we'll get something together" he said as his sister nodded her head hanging up the phone.

30 minutes later

"Mani go in your room and don't come out until I tell u to" he says while counting the money he "successfully" borrowed from his sister.

"Ok" she says while eating her popsicle.

He looked at his daughter trying to find another way to get the rest which he only counted 5,000 more dollars to which he owed 25,000.

She would sadly have to be brought into his mess.

Which was only the Beginning....

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