Chapter 17: Lies And Suspicions

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"I don't want to tell them but I have too." I said to Gomin and Danny.

It has been two days since I visited Jemin and he told me what my dream meant. The only person I told was Gomin.

"Why?" Gomin asked. "It'll only cause them to worry and be scared."

I nodded. "Ya. But we need to be careful. I don't care if Robby sent that letter as a threat or warning, I'm not taking any chances. He needs a body guard."

Danny and Gomin gave me a pointed look. "What?" I asked, feeling uncomfortable.

"Mickey, he's a guy. And he's angry at Robby. You think he will do what Robby says?" Danny asked.

"We'll make him. It's his life for crying out loud. He will do as I say." I demanded furiously.

Both Danny and Gomin looked at me, shocked.

"Ok Mickey, calm down." Gomin said.

I sighed. "Sorry. It's just......I don't want this to happen again."

"We understand Mickey." Danny replied. "But you need to calm down."

I nodded my head. "You're right. I just need to think things through."

Danny sighed. "What you need is sleep. And food. When's the last time you slept peacefully and had a decent meal?"

I rolled my eyes. "Does it matter?"

"It does to me." Danny replied.

I smiled at him. "That's sweet. Anyway, I need to make sure he's being watched even if he doesn't know it."

"That'll make him angry." Gomin warned.

"What he doesn't know won't kill him." I replied.


"I think that this is getting out of hand. Can anyone please call a meeting and share good news! I'm sick of this." Jordan snapped.

All the royalties, Sinaya, James and I stared at her, shocked. Jordan never lost her cool. She was like James.

"Jordan, honey calm down." James said trying to calm her down.

"Don't tell me to calm down. I'm sick of this. What is Jared trying to do? That disgraceful human, he's messing with us and now he's trying to kill Kameron. Isn't it enough he killed....." Jordan trailed off, breaking into sobs.

Queen Ella got up from her seat and approached her daughter. "I'm sorry baby. Calm down now."

Jordan shook her head. "I need to clear my head." And with that she left.

James sighed. "She's just stressed. She has to take over the kingdom soon and she's been worried she won't be a good queen. And now all these problems and Kameron."

We all fell silent. Then my mom said. "I need to go."

My dad looked at her. "Tara, honey, where are you going?"

Mom shook her head. "I'm going to call the best trained guards. I lost one I won't lose another." She gave us a look that I knew so well. A stubborn one. And then she left.

"I'm going after her." My dad said, leaving.

"I should go check on Jordan." James announced and also left.

I looked at Sinaya, King Philip, King Desting, Queen Ella and Queen Linda. "What now?" I asked.

Sinaya shook her head. "This is a disastrous. No wonder Jordan broke down. Her, James and I are going to be crowned soon. What will we ever do?"

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