Chapter 22: Keeping Secrets And Deathly Spells

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I sipped on my coke as Gomin and I ate lunch at McDonalds.

"So do we tell Danny?" I asked.

Gomin shrugged. "I think we should. He won't be happy if we keep this from him. And it's not like he's a traitor."

I nodded. I wanted to tell Danny but I didn't want him to be at any risk because he knew information, not after what happened three years ago.

"Mickey, I hope you won't ever hide anything like this again." Gomin said.

I nodded. "I'm really sorry about that."

Gomin gave me his goofy smile. He wasn't one to hold a grudge for long. "All good as long as there are no more secrets. We tell each other everything!"




He took a huge bite from his burger and smiled with his mouth full.

Rolling my eyes, I laughed. "So what do you think we should do?"

"Stark suggested we keep an eye on Kasdar and Kasey. We can't let them out of our sight."

I groaned. "Fine."

Gomin laughed. "Maybe they aren't working for King Jared. We can't be sure."

"Exactly so we can't just ignore that fact because we aren't sure if they are on our side. Gomin, we can't make the same mistake. Three times."

"I understand, it's just not something believable."

"So was Robby betraying us but here we are today." I pointed out, taking a bite of my happy meals.

"But Robby had a reason." Gomin put his hands up when he noticed my pointed look. "I'm not saying what he did was ok, I'm just saying he really wanted to get Rodger. Mickey, those two were really really close and King Jared used him."

I stayed silent for sometime, thinking this over. I never really thought of it that way because every time I think about Robby, all I can think is of how he betrayed us for the enemy and got Kate killed.

"He could have found a better way." I muttered.

Gomin nodded. "I know."

"Hey guys. What's up?" Danny said, taking a seat next to me.

I looked at Gomin and he gave me a curt nod. Sighing, I repeated the story I had to tell my friends and then the royalties as they wanted to hear it again from me, Gomin and Stark.


"So wanna go out to dinner?" Hilary asked me as we walked to our first class.

Davis pouted. "I thought it was going to be just the two of us."

I rolled my eyes. "Feeling the love here Davis, too much I might suffocate."

Davis stuck his tongue out at me and I returned the favor.

"You guys are so immature." Hilary commented. "Anyway, invite Gomin and Danny and lets go out. 7 pm."

I shrugged. "Good enough for me."

Hilary gave me a bright smile. "Great. See you later then." I waved them goodbye and they walked away.

I sighed. I missed spending time with her. I've been so caught up with King Jared and stuff that I haven't been going out much.

I grabbed the books I needed and headed to my first class.

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