I Vaporize The New Girl ~ Peter ~

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IMAGINE YOUR ENTIRE LIFE CHANGING in less than a day. Well that's what happened to me. You don't believe me do you? Let me explain.
It all started this morning when I was leaving for school.

"PETER!" My mom called. "You're going to be late for school!"  I scrambled around my room trying to find clothes to wear.
"I'll be out in a minute!" I yelled as I put on a shirt. When I finished getting dressed, I walked into the kitchen where I tripped over my shoes and fell face first into the stack of papers that my mom had for work.
"Peter, watch where you're going." My mom laughed while she walked over me to pick up her papers. I stood up and grabbed my bag.
"Sorry." I looked out the window of my apartment and saw that my school bus just pulled up. "I'm gonna be late. Bye mom."
"Wait Peter, don't forget your lunch." My mom said, giving me my lunch. I grabbed it and ran out of the apartment. I made it down just as the bus was starting to leave. "WAIT!" I yelled, waving my arms like a maniac. The bus driver stopped and opened the doors as I ran in the bus.
When I got to school, my friend Harper waved at me. "Hey Peter."
Harper is my best friend at school. We've been friends since middle school. Harper has tanned skin, curly brown hair, amber eyes and a goatee. He always wears a red beanie with a world wildlife fund logo, and I've never seen him without it.
"Hi Harper." I replied as we walked into the school.      
Harper and I walked into our classroom and sat down at our desks. The teacher came in with a kid that I have never seen before. "Alright class," She said, getting everyone's attention. "This is a new student, Kelli. She got transferred here from Chicago."
"Isn't it too late to be transferred?" I whispered to Harper. He nervously glanced over at the new kid. "Maybe."
Kelli (The new kid) came over and sat down next to me. She had this murderous look in her eyes that kinda scared me, but otherwise, she seemed normal. She looked like she might have been the cheer captain at her old school. She definitely had the looks for it. Kelli was African American,  her dark brown hair was in two braids and she had a face full of makeup.
Harper leaned over and whispered in my ear. "She doesn't seem very friendly." I was about to answer him, when Kelli spoke. "Can you show me around the school?" Kelli looked friendly but something was definitely off about her. "Uh," I stuttered. "S-sure."
"Thanks," Kelli said, trying to sound dreamy. Harper and I exchanged disgusted looks.  "Alright. . ."
After class, I was about to go show Kelli around when Harper came over to me. "Do you want me to help you show Kelli around?" He asked. "Yeah. I don't want to be alone with her." I muttered as we walked up to Kelli. "So, I'm guessing that you probably want to know where the cafeteria is. Most likely." I asked, nervously fidgeting with my hands. "Just, show me around please." She said, as if she was staring me down.
"Okayy, so this is your homeroom. And over there are the bathrooms, the first one is the girls bathroom and the one across from it is the boys bathroom." I said, pointing down the hallway. "Okay, how big is the school? Is it easy to get lost?" Kelli asked, eyeing Harper. Harper shivered. "NO!" He shouted. "Er . . . I mean, no you won't get lost very easily in this school."
We continued walking through the school. "So, where is your next class?" I asked, turning to face Kelli. "Room seven, history." She grinned.
"That's on the first floor, next to the gym." I pointed over to the stairs. "Go down the stairs and turn left, it's the second room."
"Thanks," Kelli giggled. "I'll go there now." Kelli turned and left. Harper looked at me. "Don't trust her, I have a really bad feeling about this girl."
"I'll try to stay away from her I guess." I promised. "Let's go to class." Harper and I turned and walked to our next class.

I didn't have Kelli in science, nor was she in my gym class. I did not realise how lucky I was, that is until what happened later that day.

Harper and I walked out of the gym and went to our lockers. "Why does our gym teacher have to be so mean to me?" Harper complained, closing his locker. "I don't know, maybe you can tell the principal. But then again, nobody cares in this school." I laughed. "Yeah you're right, but still–"
"Hey cutie!" Someone called out as we walked outside for break. Kelli walked up to us. "You want to come to the football field with me, cutie?" I looked at Harper who was shaking his head. "Uh, um. I can't. I have to go somewhere but, maybe later?" I tried to walk around her when I heard a metal clank. "Ow," Kelli groaned. "Oh, was that me, sorry." I apologised as Harper grabbed my arm. "Don't. Let's go." He muttered under his breath. We walked past Kelli and onto the field behind the school. 
"What was that metal thing I hit?" I asked as we sat down on the edge of the field. "I don't know, but I think that it was definitely not supposed to be there." Harper pondered, staring at the kids running on the tracks. (What was Harper talking about?) Harper looked behind us. "Peter–"
"What Harper?"
"I think the new girl followed us."
"When I tell you to, go inside. Run like your life depends on it."
"Just, um. So you don't get hurt."
"Okay. . ."
Kelli came walking past a group of guys who whistled at her. She didn't pay them any attention, she just kept staring daggers at me.
"Run now Peter. And don't look back." Harper murmured. I got up and started to sprint past everyone on the field, knocking over a girl who was reading a book.
"Watch it loser." She grumbled.
I ran into the school and started to look for a place to hide. I almost went into the gym, when I passed the cafeteria. "Right here has the best hiding spots." I thought to myself as I ran into the cafeteria.
The cafeteria was huge, and the kitchen was right off to the side of it. Tables were set up in a very uneven way and the chairs were set up nicely only to be destroyed by the kids that would come in for lunch.
This was great. Now I just needed a place to hide. I started scanning the cafeteria when I heard someone coming down the hallway. I jumped over the lunch ladies table and ducked behind a counter in the kitchen. 
"CUTIE?" Kelli called as she came into the cafeteria. "Where are you hiding?"
I could almost hear my heart beat. As scared as I was, I knew I couldn't be seen by Kelli. For whatever reason, Harper was right. Kelli can't be trusted. "Come out now, Peter Smith !" She demanded. How did Kelli know my name? I peaked up above the counter and Kelli was throwing chairs and flipping tables. I ducked back down just as she looked my way.
   BANG! "Peter Smith. I can smell you. Don't think you can hide from me! I am not going to lose this time!" Kelli screamed with rage, she was sounding closer. I crawled to the next counter when I heard claws against the floor. "That's it." I thought, and I ran back into the cafeteria.
As I was running, I threw chairs and food trays behind me, hoping that I would hit her, but I didn't hear anything. Then I looked behind me to see where Kelli was, and what I saw was not her.

Looking back on it, this was probably the most normal thing that happened since I came to Camp Half-blood, but at the time, it was very weird.
Kelli was running towards me. But she had two different legs. One of her legs was furry and brown, like a donkey's leg, and her other leg normal but it was made of bronze. She had no colour in her face, her eyes were blood red, she had fangs, claws instead of finger nails, and her hair was on fire. She made a lot of noise as she ran because of her two different legs
"COME BACK HERE CUTIE!" She screamed. I turned around to keep running when I tripped over a table. "What do you want?" I yelled, scrambling to stand back up. "I WANT YOU, CUTIE!" I got back up, but it was too late. Kelli was three feet away from me. "Peter Smith," She said, walking towards me. "Why do you have to run?" I slowly walked backwards, trying not to fall. "How do you know my name?"
"Come with me Peter. You don't have to listen to that satyr Harper." Kelli laughed mischievously as she threw a food tray at me. I ducked and looked at her. "What do you mean 'saytr'? What are you?"
"You don't know? Poor thing." she pouted
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I guess I can kill you now, or make you suffer. Which would you prefer?"
I stared at Kelli. "Can I have a minute to think about it?" I probably sounded stupid but I needed a plan now. Kelli giggled. "Okay, you have a minute."
I looked around the cafeteria hoping I could find something to hit her with. I couldn't think of anything. I looked at Kelli, she had fangs, and did she say satyr?
    That's when it hit me. Kelli is not human, she was an Emposai. She was a vampire before the vampire became a thing. The blood-sucking Greek monster from the myths. But those are just myths. What was Kelli doing here? Why does she want to kill me, out of all the kids in this school?
"DIE YOU EVIL BLOOD-SUCKING MANIAC!" Harper came running into the cafeteria with reed pipes and a knife. Where he found that knife, I have no clue. "Satyrs," Kelli said, like it was an insult. "Always ruining my fun."
"Peter, move!" Harper yelled as he pulled out his reed pipes. "What are you doing?" I asked, trying to process what was happening. "Try not to get killed." Harper put his reed pipes up to his mouth and started to play a song that sounded very much like Another One Bites the Dust by Queen. As Harper played the song, tables, chairs and everything else in the cafeteria came to life and started hitting Kelli and knocking her onto the ground. "NO!" She screamed, as Harper grabbed his knife and gave it to me. "Here Peter, use this." I stared at the knife. It was bronze but it didn't seem like normal bronze.
"Throw it Peter!" Harper yelled, trying to keep Kelli from biting him. I looked down at the knife in my hands. "Here goes nothing." I thought and I threw the knife towards Kelli.
As the knife soared through the air, Kelli's eyes widened. The knife hit her right in her chest. "NOOOOOOOOOO! NOT AGAIN!" She shrieked as she turned into dust.
"What just happened?" I asked, looking at the pile of dust where Kelli was just standing. "You killed her." Harper said, taking the knife back. "How-?"
"The knife is made of celestial bronze."
"What's celestial bronze?"
"A bronze that's deadly to monsters and demigods but it doesn't affect mortals."
"Wait. Demigods like, half human half god? Like Greek gods?"
"I didn't think you would guess that right away. But now you know so I need to take you to camp."
"Am I a 'demigod'? Was that why the Emposia came after me other than anyone else? Are you actually a satyr?"
"Yes. Please come with me. We need to leave now. Or else the monsters will sense you."
Harper looked very worried so I followed him out of the cafeteria. We left the school even though school wasn't over yet. "So what is this camp you're taking me to?" I asked as we walked down the road. Harper was silent for a count of ten. "Camp Half-blood. A safe place for demigods or half-bloods. Whatever you want to call them." I looked down at the pavement. "Cool. So like, how do we get there?" Harper stopped on the side of the road. "I have a driver parked over there." He pointed to a car next to a lamppost. "It's a ten minute drive so let's get going." Harper and I started walking towards the car.

Off to Camp Half-blood! You know what happens next

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