Harry the Giant? More Like the Hairy Giant ~Peter~

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We stood in the dark, unable to see. As my eyes slowly adjusted to the dark, I saw the faint silhouette of James and Luna in front of me.
The air felt warm with a slight breeze, like in a subway station. The corridor smelt of sewers.
I heard Alex unzip her bag and put something in it.
"How are we going to find our way out?" James asked, somewhere in front of me. "I can't find a flashlight in my bag because I can't see, so we're going to need some other way of navigating through here." Alex said.
I felt her hand brush mine as she moved. I might have blushed, but we were in a dark place and no one could see. I had some nagging thought in the back of my mind that I was forgetting something, but I couldn't place it.
We started to move in the other direction from which we fell in when Luna stopped in front of us.
"Does anyone else notice that dim light?" She asked. I could see a glint of light in her hair.
I noticed it too, it wasn't there before. The walls seemed brighter as a dim glow faintly lit up the corridor. I looked down at my hand and realised that it was me. "Oh, um." I stuttered. "That's me. I-I can glow."
When I was six, I was playing hide and seek with my mother and her boyfriend. I hid in a dark cupboard and waited for my mother to find me. When I came out of the cupboard, I saw my mothers jaw drop. I looked down at my arms and realised that I was glowing. I freaked out, because I didn't know why I was glowing. My mother calmed me down and told me it was a super power. After a while, I learned to control it but every now and then I glow when I'm embarrassed or nervous. Or sometimes I just randomly glow.
"What?" Luna demanded, turning to look at me. "Why didn't you tell us sooner?"
"I don't know, I didn't think it was important at the time." I shrugged. "Do you want me to glow brighter?" I asked.
"That would be great." Alex said, adjusting her bag. I started to glow a little brighter so that we could see each other. A nice golden glow filled the corridor as I glowed brighter.
I heard Alex snicker as James and Luna quickly let go of each other's hands.
"Come on, we need to find a way out of here." Alex suggested. She pushed her way though Luna and James and started to walk. I followed her so I could illuminate the way for everyone.
We walked through the corridors. I noticed that the walls changed from cement walls to rock. The labyrinth didn't feel dangerous, it just felt old. It would almost be safe, except for the fact that there might be traps around every corner. As we walked, I only heard our footsteps.
"Do you know where we're going?" James asked. Alex stopped and put her hand on a wall. "We will find an exit or another blue triangle." She whispered.
"We better find that blue triangle soon because this place is giving me the creeps." Luna shuttered.
We started forwards, hoping to find a way out of the labyrinth. As we walked, I heard water dripping from the ceiling somewhere near us.
"Do you think we should follow the sound?" Luna asked. Alex looked behind us. "The sound is echoing so I don't know where it's coming from."
Luna shouldered her bag. "The sound is that way." She pointed in the direction we were going in. "I think there might be a wider cavern ahead of us. I can sense rushing water."
"Are you sure?" James asked, putting his hand on Luna's shoulder.
Luna stepped forward. "Positive. Follow me guys. I need glowstick Peter."
"Don't call me that." I complained. Luna waved the comment off and kept walking.
We entered the chamber and I heard rushing water, just like Luna said. I saw a stream that ran from the left side of the chamber to the right side. With the golden light coming from me, the room didn't seem as creepy as the corridor we just left.
"The stream is about two meters wide and six feet deep, watch your step." Luna said, jumping over the stream. We followed her and kept going further into the room.
There was another opening that led into another room. Alex stopped in front of the doorway. "There's something about this way that doesn't feel safe." She murmured, turning to face us. "Nothing about this place feels safe." James laughed, nervously fingering his leather necklace.
Alex rolled her eyes and started forward. I had to run after her to catch up.
The room we entered was wide and had high ceilings. There were ancient Greek murals painted on the walls. I could see a fountain at the far end of the room, as well as a doorway. Greek columns lined the walls with torches that were still burning, the floor was nicely plated with mosaic tiles. It felt as if we wandered into a bank, but from the feel of the room, and the poorly lit torches, I knew we were somewhere very old and dangerous.
"This place looks like a really old bank." Luna muttered, examining the walls.
Alex ran her hand down one of the columns. "This is an ancient Greek sanctuary. People in ancient times would come here to pray for help from the gods."
"But what is it doing underground?" I asked.
Alex was about to answer when a cold chill filled the air.
"Is anyone else cold?" Luna asked, slipping her backpack off her shoulder. She pulled out a grey hoodie and put it on.
I was starting to shiver. I was about to suggest that we leave the room when we heard footsteps coming from the other side of the room.
We watched as a tall man walked in front of the fountain. "Peter," Alex whispered. "stop glowing."
I quickly stopped glowing before the man could notice us.
Alex and James exchanged looks then nodded. Alex took the left side of the room while James took the right. They started towards the man, getting their weapons ready. It would have been great. Alex would stab the man from behind while James slashed him with his sword. I would like to say that happened, but instead this happened: "HEY! Why do you have blue skin?" Luna shouted, forcing the man to look at us.
I glared at Luna as the man noticed Alex. Luna shrugged as if to say: Oh well, I guess we have to fight this new monster.
As the guy walked forwards, I noticed his hair and beard were icy white. His skin was a light blue, his icy blue eyes pierced through me. "I don't recognize this guy from Greek mythology." I squeaked.
"What do you mean? There is no such thing as 'Greek mythology'." The man chuckled.
"Who are you?" Luna asked, her hands on her bracelets.
"My name is Harry."
"You sure are." Luna snorted.
"What was that?" Harry asked, looking down at Luna.
"Nothing," Luna muttered.
Harry put his hand on a giant axe that was tucked in his belt. "I can smell godly blood. Should I kill you guys? Or would you like to kill each other then I can get a meal without working for it." Harry smiled as if the thought amused him.
Alex ran in front of him, sheathing her daggers to show she wasn't going to fight. "No, you don't need to kill us Harry. You know, we don't usually get a lot of guys like you down here. Where are you from?"
"I'm from Jotunheim of course! I came to Midgard because my boss said that I need to prove myself worthy of being able to fight by his side at Ragnarok." Harry beamed, spreading his arms out and almost knocking over a column. He was missing a few teeth, his breath smelled of rotten fish.
Alex looked back at me, her eyes so intense I would have thought she had laser eyes. She seemed to be calculating something. Then her eyes lit up.
"Harry, my name is Alex, and these are my friends. We came here hoping to find someone that needed assistance." Alex's eyes drifted to Harry's axe, which he now had his hand right on. "You say you need to prove yourself worthy? I know something that can help with that."
Harry put his left hand on his chin. "What are you thinking?" He asked.
"Wouldn't your boss hate it if you brought back a few useless kids. We're not even full grown!" Alex exclaimed.
"Wow," Luna muttered. "Let her do this or we get killed." I whispered to Luna.
Harry considered this. "I guess it would be sad if a giant like me would kill someone so young and so small. . ."
Luna and I exchanged a confused look. Giant? She mouthed.
"How about you go out that door?" Alex pointed to the door we just came from. "There are plenty of different animals that are fully grown and probably more impressive than a few small kids."
Harry looked past Alex and out the door. Thankfully it was dark in the room so he couldn't see what was behind the doorway.
"Are they larger than that small mortal over there?" Harry asked, pointing at Luna.
"Hey! I'm average size." Luna exclaimed. "Besides, you're pretty small yourself, you so -called giant."
Alex glared back at Luna.
"Well, I'm going to go see if there is good food behind that door like you promised, but I don't want to lose the opportunity to not eat humans so I might as well kill you now." Harry grabbed his axe.
James exchanged a look with Alex, and she nodded. James walked up to the giant from behind him.
He raised his sword and slashed at the giant.

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