Chapter One: New Beginnings

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It was November 20, 2023. Space who was just a seventeen year old kid woke up from bed, his mother walked into him room and said "Wake up, or else you're going to be late again for school". Space just grunted and groaned saying "Alright just get out my room and I'll get up soon" he covered himself with his blankets and his mother walked out yelling "You better get up when I come back!". A few minutes later he slowly got up from his bed and walked slowly over to the bathroom to brush his teeth, after that he walked over to his room and changed into his black joggers and black sweater. A few more minutes later he opened the front door and walked to school, he has been hearing the news about something interesting, the backrooms which was a popular but very hidden and secured area mostly hidden from the government and he was into that topic, he has been hearing of people randomly disappearing and several objects just falling into the floor but of course the government tries to cover it up with some weak excuses and it was obvious that it was uncontainable, something that was terrifying to him is that he could end up "no clipping" at any moment and become one of the missing people who probably never made it but he didn't think of it too much which since he knew it wouldn't happen and the chances would be low for him to no clip out of reality. Ten minutes later he would arrive at school and would be there twenty minutes early so he would spend times with his friends at the teen lounge they have at school, he arrived at a building near the office and would then see his best friends in the whole world. Angel Guzman and Ramiro Tenorio sitting in the back of the classroom. "Hey guys" Space said to both of them "Hey Space, how's it going?" said Angel and then Ramiro spoke "Yea you're always here so late sometimes". Space sighed "I know I know, I just had to do homework from classes, you know it's just a pain to get done" and the truth is he was just playing games at night. "Let me guess, you've been thinking about the whole backrooms thing haven't you?" Said Angel like if he knew what Space had been up to already. "Hm kinda, I don't know it's just people don't really pay much attention to it even though there's something much bigger going on there" he said. Both Angel and Ramiro looked at him like if he were some weird conspiracy theorist. "Alright look, I know I have been talking about this almost everyday, but it's just that maybe there's more to it and no one has the time to research it deeper" Space said. "Look maybe you're just overthinking it, the government will probably find a solution about the missing people" Angel said, Space nodded "And you know that the government said that over a year ago and we barely recovered missing people" he rubbed his head knowing that maybe he was overthinking about the whole media about the backrooms. Just then the bell had run and Space looked at Angel and Ramiro "Alright guys, I'll see you two later" he waved at them and left the area while they waved back. Space then went to his first period class which was photography, there was really nothing special about that class besides taking pictures and knowing the parts of the camera and how they work, but to his surprise there was a substitute teacher for the day, after he took his seat in the back of the class and role call happened, he began researching on his computer on areas where certain areas had what they called "No clipping zones" and these zones could be small or huge and any object that steps into the area would immediately fall into the backrooms, most of them would be secured by government surveillance, but of course Space had a plan to get around security. Researching on the latest news on his city there was rarely anything that had to do with the backrooms or the no clip areas, just as he kept scrolling through the media the bell had rung and first period was done "It's over? Already?" He said, it felt like it had been only a couple of short minutes but there was no time to think, Space got his stuff ready and headed over to his second class which was Geometry, thankfully it was a class where they would use their computes the whole time which would give him a couple of minutes to research. Five minutes later he would arrive to his second period and sat down in the back of the class, role call would happen and it was back to researching, there was really nothing much he could find, most of the information that was classified would be in a dark web but since he was at school it would be no safe place to go there and would have to do that at home, he sighed knowing that there would be nothing other than other countries populations decreasing slowly almost everyday due to the no clip areas. It would be that way for the rest of the school day, even lunch since him and his friends had different lunches and different classes. And finally seven period started, Space again kept researching news and articles about anything on his area but nothing would pop out, but he definitely knew that he had to go deeper to just find news that would catch his eyes, there hasn't been a no clip area in his town surprisingly due to how much dead space there is in his deserted city or the government was trying to hide it from the public, but there was nothing here that had to do with the government, no tents, no trucks, no set up points. Maybe there was nothing here at all. After an hour of class school was over, and finally Space can now go home since he would not stay after school and start his deep web search, he walked out the school gates and walked towards his home and ten minutes later he would arrive home and there was no one there because his mom worked all day and come home night and his dad as well with no siblings. He walked over to his room and set down his backpack on the floor and sat down on his chair and moved to his desk with his personal computer. "Alright let's see what I can find" he turned on his computer and logged in, he had to be careful about the dark web or else there will be legal consequences since the government was strict about this worldwide issue. He then turned on a VPN but not just a standard common VPN, it was made so that no one can track your data and location when searching the most dangerous and most secret government information on the web. "Alright, let's see what I can find" he said and started to searching on the dark web.

The Backrooms: Aftermath Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant