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Ryujin stood on a rooftop on a warm summer day, nailing shingles onto the new roof. From beside her, she heard a deep whistle.

Turning to look at the noise, she saw one of her coworkers staring at the woman who had just pulled up in a fancy sports car to the house next door.

“Hey sweetheart! Pass me the keys, let me take it out for a ride.” He called out. I’d take her for a ride.

Ryujin thought to herself, staring at the gorgeous woman on the ground. The woman locked her car and walked away unbothered while the man kept calling out for her.

“Hey, why do ladies love roofers?” He asked, as she rolled her eyes and walked inside her house.

“Have some respect, would you?” Ryujin asked once the woman was inside, her co-worker just scoffed.

Unbeknownst to Ryujin, the woman was inside, watching Ryujin ream out her co-worker.

Yeji got home from a long day at work and was excited to relax. That was until she pulled up to her driveway and was catcalled by some man on the roof next door.

Ignoring him as best she could, she caught a glimpse of a beautiful wiskers out of the corner of her eye.

As the man kept calling after her, Yeji wasted no time in hurrying inside, though once in the safety of her own home, she dared to catch another look at the wiskers.

Later that evening, Yeji sat on the chair in the living room painting her nails. Her fiancé Yeonjun was passed out on the couch.

Looking over at the sleeping man, she got an idea.

Lifting his hand carefully so as not to wake him, she gently started painting his nails the same shade of red she had done hers.

Once she had finished, she leaned in to give the man a kiss, stirring him from his slumber.

Reaching his hands up the brunette’s thighs, Yeonjun noticed the red nail polish.

“What is this?” He asked.

“Did you paint my nails?” He asked, smiling.

“Mmhm” Yeji answered innocently.

“I feel violated.” He said, sitting up.

“Why?” Yeji asked.

“I don’t know, it’s fuckin weird.” He said.

“I gotta go, will you take it off please?” He continued.

“Just one picture.” Yeji said, reaching for her phone.

“You’re not taking a picture of me!” He said aggressively, smacking Yeji’s leg as he walked away, leaving the woman sitting there, feeling emotionally stung.

Ryujin lay on her bed in the dark, thinking about the woman she had seen earlier that day.

Hearing a knock on the door, she was pulled from her thoughts.

“Bitch, let’s go, I’m buzzed.” Chaeryeong said, unlocking the door to Ryujin’s apartment with the key that she had given her in case of emergency.

“I gotta catch up.” Ryujin said, walking to her fridge to grab a beer.

“You won’t catch up. No one will ever catch me.” Chaeryeong said, smirking.

“I’ll just pretend I even know what that means.” Ryujin said, quickly downing the beer.

“What time is Lia coming over?” Yeonjun asked as he emerged from the walk-in closet.

“She’s on her way.” Yeji answered.

“I’ll call you in the morning.” Yeonjun said, placing a kiss on Yeji's cheek.

“What’s the time difference in Seoul?” Yeji asked.

“Uh, like two hours.” Yeonjun answered. “Call me from the hotel.” Yeji asked.

“You think you’ll be up that late?” Yeonjun asked.

“Probably not, I’m shooting in the morning.” Yeji replied.

“Don’t try to keep up with Lia.” Yeonjun told his fiancée.

“I never do.” Yeji chuckled, shaking her head.
Downing another shot each, Ryujin and Chaeryeong  decided it was time to go. As they walked up the stairs to the bar, Ryujin was greeted by several smiling women.

Going to fix Chaeryeong’ dress, the woman smacked her hand away “It’s fine.” In the back the DJ was playing a remix of Sawtooth by Willow Beats, and Ryujin could feel the beat in her chest.

Following Chaeryeong to the bar, Ryujin noticed the bartender seemed glad to see them.

“I’m calling firsts on the bartender.” Chaeryeong  leaned in to tell Ryujin.

“What if she likes me?” Ryujin asked.

“You can back off if I like a girl. I’ve been after her for months.” Chaeryeong said with a tone, Ryujin knew better than to take it personally, it’s just the way her friend was.

“I’m taking a lap.” Ryujin said to give Chaeryeong some space.

Below her Mouth (Ryeji)Where stories live. Discover now