one ⸆⸉

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TW-mentions of abuse

knock, knock, knock

12-year-old Richie turned his head towards the sound source and was met with the clean wood door. "Richie, Honey get the door!" Richie heard his mother yell from the kitchen. Richie approached the door turning the knob gently, as Richie peered around the door he saw none other than Eddie Kaspbrak folded in on himself

"I-I didn't know where else to go."

Such a simple sentence would lead to the poor Kaspbraks falling, the sentence that would set in a pattern for Eddie. The habit of running to the Tozier's warm embrace after every argument with his mom turned from just a conflict to a downright assault.

Four years later

"So Richie hun, hows school-" The familiar knocking rhythm cut off Maggie Tozier. "That woman needs to be investigated seriously I just don't.." Maggie's voice slowly faded away as Richie shot up and practically ran to the door.

He opened it swiftly smiling at his best friend said smile faded quickly as he saw the state of the boy's face, sure it was customary for Eddie to show up with a bruise or two but this time it just didn't sit right with Richie. "Shit Ed's babes what happened to your face!" Richie exclaimed ushering the boy in.

"Don't be so harsh, it's the only one I got," Eddie said letting out a rather proud chuckle at how clever he found his joke to be.

After a few beads of silence, Eddie softly muttered "Is it that bad? Honest,". Richie lifted his hand to find the boy's soft cheek smiling softly.

"It's Cute, cute! Cute! Cute!" Richie emphasized each cute with pinching Eddie's cheeks.

Eddie grimaced and pushed out of the taller boy's hold."I don't know why I hang out with you anymore," Eddie said crossing his arms.

"Oh, you know exactly why, "Richie said with a cheesy wink and hands motioning to his dick.

"Ah yes, what did you call it last time? Little rich, the glue to our friendship!"Eddie said teasingly. Richie opened his mouth to fire back but was interrupted by his mother coming in to drag Eddie into the bathroom where a bath had been drawn for the boy.

"Richie stay in here help patch him up," Maggie said closing the door and leaving the two boys alone Richie looked into Eddie's eyes for any sign he should leave but before he could ask Eddie started slowly stripping being delicate around his shoulders.

Richie quickly put his hands over his eyes smashing glasses into his eyes in the process. He rubbed his eyes trying to recover them

"I'm not fucking bathing with you in here dickwad just get me bandages," Eddie said peeling Richie's hands off his face and laughing slightly at how red the latters face was.

"R-right yeah no-sorry can I just squeeze past ya real quick bud," Richie said quickly composing himself mid-sentence and putting on an old man accent.

"What even is that one? Why even that one?!" Eddie exclaimed shoving Richie lightly.

"What can I say the ladies love it!" Richie chuckled as he kneeled to the cupboard under the sink grabbing cotton balls, rubbing alcohol, and bandages.

"I hate you, I hope you know that!" Eddie said sitting down on the toilet.

"Not what you said last-OW!" Eddie interrupted Richie's innuendo with a sharp kick to his shin.

"Die," Eddie grumbled pulling Richie down.

"Woah there tiger if you want all this you gotta be just a little polite" Richie wiggled his eyebrows as he adjusted himself to where he was sitting on his knees in front of Eddie.

til death do us part//ReddieWhere stories live. Discover now