Ambrosius Arawn

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 "Is this going to be a common occurrence?" A sardonic voice drawled from Harry's floo.

"If you keep entering my home uninvited? Then yes, highly likely Draco." Harry responded from where he sat in the middle of the floor trying to get Morrigan's bad eye to go back into the socket, without much success.

"You do realize how gross that is right?"

"I guess you should go away if I am grossing you out."

"I am here on Mother's request you barbarian."

"Barbarian am I?"

"Better than some other words I have. Just let the damn thing eat its own eye. You aren't getting it back in Potter." Draco said exacerbated at Harry's effort.

"I can't let her keep eating herself!" Harry argued.

"Well then stick a preservation charm on the eye and lock it up while you find a better solution, you idiot."

"I-! That's actually not a bad idea." Harry said with a frown. Taking the eye away from a pouting Morrigan and finding one of his clean potion ingredient vials to preserve the eye.

"That is because I am brilliant," Draco smirked with that cocky grin of his, just causing Harry to roll his eyes.

"You are a prat. Now, why did Narcissa send you to come bother me?" Harry asked impatiently.

"Her contact came through with some things for your necromancy problem. But they want to meet you before passing over their information" Draco said with a grimace, knowing Harry wouldn't react well to the request.

"No fucking way. They will just go to the papers that I am actually pursuing this necromancy NEWT nonsense! I won't be exploited just to get some information that I am not going to use anyway. Tell Cissa thank you but she can tell her contact to shove it." Harry snarked.

"Potter... Harry... One does not tell my mother no. You should know that much by now. Also, my mother would never risk whatever agreement you have between the two of you by informing anyone that would betray your trust." Draco sighed tiredly, dealing with Harry just took so much out of him. He didn't understand how his mother did it.

Harry groaned but he also knew that Narcissa would just be the next one through the floo if he snubbed Draco. "What time should I be coming over?"

"Your usual time before dinner. You'll meet with the informate and my mother and then you'll all join us for dinner. Don't bring your friends this time, Ronald has already threatened my life if we interrupt another date night." Draco complained which just made Harry snort.

"Oh, I'll make sure to let Hermione know about that later. Since when do you and Ron talk?" Harry asked curiously.

"Since I have had to deal with you on a regular basis," Draco stated with a drawl that Harry knew was just another version of calling him stupid.

"Well then get out of my house Draco unless you want to watch me attempt to put Morrigan's eye back in, and I will make you help." Harry threatened with a grin, but with a very un-Malfoy-like squeak, Draco quickly departed through the floo.

"You know Morrigan, with behavior like that I would also think he doesn't like you," Harry murmured as he looked over his zombie cat, trying to decipher the best way to get her eye back in.

Several hours later, some scratches down his arm and one successful eyeball popped backed into its socket, Harry lay on the sofa in the library. He had been reading or at least attempting to, but now he was just staring off into space. Well, he had been until he felt another presence within the library. Looking around confused because he hadn't heard the floo go off or felt his wards give at all to admit anyone. Sliding his wand out of his pocket he looked around the room feeling slightly paranoid like Mad-Eye Moody, hopefully, he didn't start attacking his trash bins.

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