chapter 2: Into the unknown

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As the bells last tolls sounded through the air, Aravis crept behind the half-seated crowd making her way to the long table sitting in front of the 10 dining tables stacked high with grapes and roast duck. As she took her seat next to her mother, earning a stern look for being so late, the duke stood up to call for silence.

"Friends, family and welcome court members, we gather here today for my return to my beloved home city" A whoop from the crowd and some laughter as he broadly smiled, making his moustache slide upwards, "The royal family was very gracious to me during my visit, so tonight we will be feasting with food prepared with Ilkahnian spices. Together let us keep the royal family in our thoughts and graces. Now, let the feast begin!" and the clapping erupted as the duke took his seat in the large blue cushioned chair behind him.

After piling her plate high with roast duck, breads, vegetables and fruits, Aravis tried to get the attention of her mother. As if sensing her looks, the duke's wife held conversation with anyone but her daughter, no matter how many looks she sent her. An hour into feasting as conversation filled the hall, Aravis finally interrupted her mother's conversation with a small white-haired man as they were discussing various trading routes.

"Mother I wish to speak with you about something rather urgent" she leaned over, eyeing the grapes that threatened to spill over the table.

"Yes, dear but can't you see I am rather preoccupied at this moment" Mrs. Brightgale gave her daughter an angry look.

"Not to worry, I have been looking to try some of that apple sauce that I have been gazing at all night" he gestured to a pot sitting next to the castles librarian two tables over, the small man smiled with his watery eyes, "we can talk tomorrow afternoon, I'll arrange a teatime" he stated to Mrs. Brightgale, looking rather pleased he had solved this problem for them.

"Aravis it is highly rude to interrupt conversation, especially at the high table" her mother turned to Aravis after the man had left, not looking happy that she was now talking to her daughter despite all her efforts.

"I know mother, but I do have something urgent to discuss" she responded, somewhat through her teeth.

Before her mother could give an answer, the duke tapped his glass for attention. As silence fell again, he ordered the lanterns that had snuffed out re-lit.

"Before the night gets... carried away, I do have a surprise for all of you! "excited murmurs swept through the crowd as people guessed what the duke could have prepared for them.

"Due to unique coincidences, the king and I have come to a fortunate understanding that will more than benefit the northern and southern people" he flashed his teeth at the crowd, almost convincing Avaris that he meant what he said.

"My beloved daughter Avaris, whom we all hold dear in our hearts," he turned and gestured for the lady to rise which she did, awkwardly smoothing out the wrinkles in her grown, having a feeling that she knew what was coming, "will be marrying the heir to the kathalan throne!" he bellowed into the hall.

chaos erupted in the crowd as people talked over one another, out of all the announcements that had been expected, no one had guessed this would be the outcome.

applause started to rise until it was echoing from the arched roof and pillars, almost deafening to listen too. Aravis did a small half bow before quickly sitting back down. Now she most definitely planned to talk to her parents, gripping the edge of her chair angrily she cast shadowed looks at her father who tried to smile back at her.

The feast continued with much bravado, endless courtiers lined up to congratulate the lady on the union and expressing their surprise in the sudden news.

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