Chap 3: Aging, But Not Like A Fine Wine.

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I open the door clumsily, almost falling over as i make my slow and heavy footsteps into the house. I cough violently, the cough was so harsh i spat a few drops of blood out.

Another day, another fight. Even though my family is wealthy and everybody knows so, as more and more conflict came they all put up a fight against me as nobody is aware of my parents. All because they don't care, every single call from the principal nor any attempt to contact them were futile. Never once they knew about my problems at school, or they cared to listen. It's been forever since i saw them, what's the point of a rich life with a gigantic house just for me to live there almost by myself? I thought, sitting down onto the table as the table was pushed over and a few cups fell to the ground breaking as they make contact.

Even though i did not enjoy fighting others, i seem to be very good at it. In fact, i was not "bullied", but other kids constantly make up reasons to fight me only to prove their superiority towards me: A person who had gained quite some reputation for winning in "fights" i did not want to take part in.

"God.. DAMN IT!" I growled, feeling the frustration getting into me as i lift my thighs up high and kicked the table over. Cups and plates fell onto the ground then crushed by the falling table, i rested my elbows on my knees as i lower my head, while i was on the verge of cry-screaming over my misery. I heard a voice, as if it was in my head.

"Don't be so weak." The voice said to me. Startled, i looked around to see where the voice came from, forgetting about the breakdown i was going through.

"Who's there!?" I shouted, placing my hand on the chair as i get ready to throw it at whoever comes near assuming that they were an intruder.

"You're strong, aren't you?" The voice said.

"W-what? Why do you need to know, WHERE ARE YOU?!" I screamed, feeling a drop of sweat rolling down from my forehead to my chin. A drop of sweat not really caused by exhaustion, but from frustration and confusion.

"Don't you hate them? Why do they always have to mess with your peaceful life?" The voice ignored my questions, trying to persuade me into listening once again.

I had so many questions in my mind, so many i couldn't pick which to ask. So many i couldn't put them into words anymore so i stayed silent, not because i wanted to but because my lips refuse to move.

"Come on, James. They are scum, aren't they? I know you hate them too, those brats, they mess with other people over nothing and just because they want to. They want to KILL you, just so they could be proud of themselves." The voice said, as i slowly feel a pair of hands laying on my shoulders. At this point, my body went numb and there was nothing i could do about it.

"You want them DEAD, RIGHT? You want to WIPE them out of this planet's surface, RIGHT?" The voice carried on talking, those words feel like knives stabbing right through my fragile heart to stop it from beating, every single word i heard from the mysterious voice the more emotions i feel.

Sadness, anger, despair, everything. Everything, except.. happiness.

"I wish they would just die." I said, frowning as i clench my fists, gritting my teeth whilst veins popped out, visible on my skin. The voice laughed in satisfaction as the pair of hands gripped more tightly onto my shoulder.

"GOOD! Good! If you become.. a monster, JUST a monster. Would they ever touch you again? Would anyone dare to mess with your peace?"

'A monster?  What is it talking about?'  What is it talking about? I wonder.

"You don't get it, don't you? Follow me, and i will show you how to become a monster. A monster everyone will FEAR. Everyone will obey you, your parents will be aware of your presence and the suffering you have to go through. And finally they will be forced to care for you.."

'Everyone will obey me? Finally, they will care for me? My parents? They will stop with their worthless jobs and care for me?' I thought, the imagination of a world where i can live peacefully appears in my mind as clear as a movie right in front of my eyes. I want to live, to live without having to be in conflict with others and not having to deal with everything alone. I want my miserable days to stop.

So i nodded, as the mysterious pair of hands let go of my shoulders.

"Walk outside."

I took one step forward, thinking of following what the voice told me to do.

But i hesitated, regaining a bit of consciousness my foot stopped at the first step. The voice sighed, as it approaches me. Though i cannot see it, but the voice got louder and louder as i can feel a presence behind my back.

"Why are you hesitating?" It asked, it's voice filled with sympathy. As if it wants to help me with my problems, as if it's only goal was to make me happy. So i trusted it, as if i even had anyone else to trust from the beginning.

"W-what if they still.. don't care for me?"

"You're overthinking, James." It placed it's hand onto my head.

"Even if they don't care for you. Making those scums around you fear you and leave you be would be better than nothing, right? Or you would rather live a life.."

It paused for a second, the presence moved from the left to the right accordingly to my sense of touch.

"Full of misery? Continuing your meaningless days in this HELLHOLE YOU CALL LIFE? Having to fight for your life over nothing, your well-being constantly threatened by idiots who has no reason to ruin your life the way they are doing it RIGHT NOW?" The voice said, the power in it's voice was irresistible. Even though i don't know what it is, nor who it is, i have to admit it was right.

"You're right. Then, i will become.."

I stepped forward, opening the door as i walked under the moonlight of the early night.

"A monster."

The voice then instructed me to go to a hill. A hill which i haven't been to before during my entire lifetime living in this city.

Making my way across the empty and creepy hill i see light in the distant, not a bright one like those you see in the city but faint almost like a campfire light.

"Go." The voice said, i braced myself for whatever is about to come and getting my mind ready to face whatever awaits me at the other side of the hill. Finally reaching the end of the hill, arriving at where i saw the faint light. I found a house, it looks a bit abandoned from the outside and somewhat old. I made my way inside by opening the main door, unsurprisingly it wasn't locked.

"Hello? Is anyone here?"

I said as the surroundings fell into silence for a brief moment before it was cut off by the sound of footsteps, walking towards me.



James' Stories: Devilborn - JS2 PrequelUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum