Running from Desire

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I see all my flaws when I look at myself through the eyes' of others. 

There is particularly one person that calls me out for all my huffing and puffing wolf behavior. 

To be always tired, attempting to thrive in a culture that is always on a grind to be their own boss.

What a luxury and a forever hell.

I get stuck between desires and priorities.

And that is why my bedroom floor looks like a toddler's playground. 

I have my paint and paintbrushes, my iPad, my laptop, my to-be-read floor selection, and my journal. 

And I put in my mind, I will get to all of these no matter the time. 

But these are all desires that I am running from.

While I am externally being prescribed at least 3 hours of actions that make me smile with a side of a higher junk food consumption.

Every kid's dream.

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