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The spirit breathes; he inhales deeply catching the air, and exhaling the emptiness of the earth. He stays; his legs crossed, eyes closed, and palms clasped together into a prayer in front of his frame. 

Could silence ever kill? The spirit thought, not daring to break the silence. Still, feeling alone is a human thought, but there it was. It was too quiet. The night stars cast a glow upon the spirit, and with the shade of his eyelid, he saw a sharp flash of light. Under him, the ground rumbled furiously and the leaves traveled with the wind. 

This feeling within him was not familiar, these elements upon Earth have not been noticed, until now. Spirit retreated from his lotus position. All of his senses went on overdrive, his ears listened to the echos of the ground rocking, and his eyes watched the sharp spark of the lightning bulb arch itself onto the earth. 

This is not normal. This thunder is frightening. He walked over to the tree where the bulb strikes.

There peeking from behind the tree was a mystic beauty, pale whiteness with a resemblance to a ghost. A white horse with its stature graceful and stare threatening. His form tenses, then scatter about the air. 

Who's your creator? Spirit demanded. The white horse circles Spirit, and Spirit twirls with each hoof that echoed like thunder.

"I came from your thoughts." The horse spoke. Its mouth moved and the words flew from its tongue. Spirit seeing this foreign way of communication tries it. His mouth moves but no words spill out.

"Do you not hear me? Do you not feel me?" Those two questions were strange. Spirit could hear the horse clearly. He could also feel the emotions pour out of it. "I... want to... feel?" Spirit murmured out. Excitement burst from the horse as its front two legs lifted into the air and crashed down onto the soil. The dirt escaped from Spirit's eyes, and he saw the horse differently as he focused back.

In front of him was a girl covered with a milky dress and a bloodless complexion, but the death stare and strong posture stayed the same.

"You see me." She crept forward. One foot inching closer like a predator. Her hand reaches out for Spirit's, "Now experience." The wind knocked Spirit forward and ended up in the embrace of the girl.

His body locked up. The next thing he knew he was on the ground with his body shaking profusely. All at once colors exploded through his mind. Spirit saw a boy and a girl running in a green field where the grass sparkled. They stopped as the wind brushed past them and they took a deep breath, one that Spirit never took seriously before. The air brought in joy. As they ran on they splashed into the water that appeared out of nowhere like photos being flicked away. The water was humble and quiet. Not the lonely quietness that left Spirit wanting to be something else other than a spirit. It was peaceful, an emotion that he was not used to. With another flick of the photo, a girl was on the ground. Dirt covered her bloody body, and Spirit felt her fear and worry. 

Get up. You have to be strong to be on Earth. 

He chanted at the girl. He was afraid for her, but before he could see what happened to her the image changed. This snapshot was worse. The photo explored a village on fire which a firefighter searched through. Spirit crawled away; the spark of the color orange was a strange force that scared him like the lightning. The man walked around the fragmented structures and found a girl under the rubble. He pulled her up and that's when Spirit saw that the girl in each image was familiar in the milky dress and bloodless skin, and anger exploited through wetness forming out of his eyes.

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