Chapter 5 - Known to Unknown

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"Eli, I said I was sorry"

This voice, dripping with insincerity, filled the air as I stormed away. I couldn't stand his words, and he struggled to keep pace with my hurried steps, catching up to me, and grabbing my hand to stop me.

"Don't apologize if you are going to keep repeating it! I told you I don't like being touched that way but you keep doing it." Please, just leave me alone... for now"

With as much self-control as I could muster, I implored, avoiding his gaze, my emotions simmering beneath the surface. It had already been an emotionally taxing day, and I couldn't bear any more stress.

I found solace in my designated napping spot in the library, but a slim figure caught my eye as they moved among the bookshelves.

"Ariel, nap time I believe?", the voice uttered before coming out from behind the shelves



*Alarm rings*

"Yes? You called?"

A dream? More like memories surfacing. This is good. Very good.  Taking a moment to study her new appearance, Max hadn't changed much, and it was hard to believe I had forgotten her. I observed her new appearance; her baby-face features had matured, but her glasses frame remained the same.

"Instead of staring at me, I propose you get prepared. Classes commence in an hour. I will not hold off for you.", she said while putting her books in order

"I'm sorry for staring. I just... never mind, I'll go get ready."

Quickly, I picked out the uniform and hurried to the direction of the bathroom, but before I stepped through the door, I turned to Max and added, 

"Oh, by the way, don't leave without me... Maxine"

Her eyes flickered with surprise before softening. Sharing a smirk between us, I headed into the bathroom, the door shutting behind me.


Morning assembly, O, How I have not missed You! The very bane of my existence... Here goes nothing.

Walking towards the large field with students already on their lines shot anxiety through my veins. Elise of four years ago would have had no issue walking with confidence towards the crowd. But here I am after four years in a coma, walking closely behind Max, with sweaty palms and shaky legs, as we made our way to the line for Year 5.

"Your apprehension is reaching me. Stop it. Reflect on the fact that these are the people you have known for four years."

Her voice, however monotonous, weirdly reduced my fears, even from behind the new book she was as always very engrossed in. She was still the Maxine who became my best friend since the first day of high school. However, her newly found vocabulary and phrasing of sentences would need a bit of getting used to. A high-pitched squeal broke the silence as everyone's attention turned towards me. 

"She's here guys! Elise, over here!"

"Hannah, she was already making her way here."

Suddenly, everyone's attention is on me. I tucked my hair behind my ear, feeling increasingly awkward. Might as well exchange pleasantries.

"He..y", I choked out with an awkward wave.

"Good morning The Academy", echoed powerfully throughout the field, bringing all murmuring to a halt.

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