Chapter 6 - Surge Of Energy

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Elise POV


"Come in and take a seat, Elise", he said, gently ushering me into the room from behind his desk.

As I stepped into the room, my eyes roamed, taking in the bare walls, and the desk strewn with a chaotic cluster of papers and books. He sat behind the desk, a cup in his hands. He walked over to me, placing the cup on the table before taking a seat across from me.

"I need you to freeze the water in this cup. Could you do that for me?",  he asked, his voice measured.

Surprise, confusion, and doubt played across my face. Thoughts swirled in my mind, causing panic to rise. Seeing my unease, he locked eyes with me and offered encouragement.

"Breath for me Elise. Concentrate on the water and push it. You can do it"

His words were soothing, and I obeyed, closing my eyes for a moment, and focusing on my breath. As I concentrated, I visualized the water in the cup. To my astonishment, a blob of water levitated out from the cup.

"I DID -", my excitement was cut off by a loud splash.

Curiosity drew our eyes back to the cup. What we saw surprised us both: at the bottom of the cup sat a ball of ice.

Walking back to class, I tried to wrap my head around all that just happened a few minutes ago. Not only was I able to control water, but I had accidentally turned it into ice. Before I knew it, I was back at the door to my classroom, eager to share the good news with my newly reunited friends.

*Bell Rings*

Reaching for the door, it burst open to reveal Hannah and the other girls. Hannah grabbed my hand, leading me away from the classroom in haste.

"Elise! We have to be fast.", she urged. Turning to the others, she added, "If you guys don't hurry, I will make her start in your absence"

My knitted brows hinted at my questions, but Hannah silenced them and pulled me along with the others.


Hannah's bright blue eyes scanned the room, ensuring everyone was present. She took a seat beside me, her gaze inquisitive, and asked about my talk with the teacher. My eyes roamed across the room, meeting Hannah's, and the silence grew thick, all eyes on me, waiting for what I would reveal.

I slowly recounted my power discovery, even down to the emotions I felt. As I acknowledged how scared I was at first, I felt a squeeze to my knee that radiated understanding, the source of the comfort being Bri. A sense of relief washed over me. The end of my heart pour was met with a bone-crushing hug from Hannah, and before long, it became a short group hug.


Every student in year 5 had this class as a general class, this threw me into a crowd of new faces. Unlike the first encounter I had during assembly, I felt more at ease being in this crowd due to the few familiar faces around.

A loud whistle pierced the air.

"Today will be a brief class. I want five laps around the field and conclude it with a bit of stretch."

Loud murmuring echoes around the crowd

"Five is not even brief, see the size of the field"

I sighed heavily, stretching my legs to prepare for the run.

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