Chapter ~ 1

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-Marla's POV-

Me and my dad were driving through the roads of California. It was a hot sunny day. I looked at the scenery around me. Hmm I could get use to this.

Me and my dad moved away from our home town Chicago, Illinois. I loved it there, I loved the city. I was upset we had to move because my parents just got divorced but apart me was happy. At my old school no body really liked me. Well they didn't hate me either. They were scared of me. I mean I don't understand why, I was always a nice girl to everyone around me.

They only feared me because they saw me beat up the biggest bully of the school. And I didn't beat her up that bad, just a black eye and a broken arm. I could've done worse, way worse. But I had a reason to fight her. First of all she is mean to everyone. And she thinks she better than everyone. Stuff like that pisses me off.

But I had a friend back in Chicago, her name was Hannah. She was a little overweight but she wasn't fat. And I saw the bully harass her so I had to do something. Well I stood up for her and the bully just swung at me, I blocked it, and it just turned to fight. That's when everyone feared me. Well they knew I did karate just not that well. I didn't even have one scratch on me, and she swung a lot.

I keep gazing at the window. It was a pretty place. The grass was bright green, and there was a lot of people around. Im glad I joined at the end of summer, i would hate to join in the middle of the school year.

"Are you doing okay?" My dad asked. His voice was full of concern.

"Yeah. But I will miss Chicago." I admitted

"Me too. But you'll like it here I promise. I grew up here when I was your age. And did I tell you that one story where I beat up those 4 guys and I became popular then-"

I stopped him mid sentence, "Yes dad. I know that story. I know it from the back of my hand." I laughed

He shook his head and laughed. I loved my dad so much he truly is a good person.

We were driving for another 5 minutes till the South's Seas apartment complex came into view. I wasn't that fond of living in a crappy apartment but I guess we have to. My dad said he wanted to be closer to his dad and I respect that, I mean I wouldn't wanna be farther away from my dad.

My dad parked her car outside the front of the complex. I unbuckled my seat belt and sighed deeply, guess this my new home. Great.

I unloaded the trunk with all of our bags. I liked our car it wasn't crappy, it was actually really nice considering the place we live in.

I groaned once I realized we have to go up the stairs with all of our bags. Great.

I wiped the sweat off of my forehead with the back of my hand, man it sure is hot here in California.

I finally finished grabbing all the bags and boxes, with no help from my dad. He says it's karate training, but let's be real he didn't wanna do it.

I walked back out to close the trunk of the car until I ran into someone.

"Oh my gosh. I am so sorry. Are you alright?" I asked

"Yeah yeah I'm fine. Are you okay?" This boy asked. He didn't even turn to face me yet.

"I'm Marla Harrison, what's your name?" I extended my hand.

He finally fully faced me. He eyes went big as saucers and he seemed surprised. What is he surprised about?

I heard him swallow, "I-I'm Freddy Fernandez."

I smiled brightly at him. He smiled back weakly.

"So what apartment number are you?...wait I'm sorry that kinda sounded like I was a stalker I just wanted to start a conversation. I-I swear I'm not a stalker." He ranted

Now it's my turn for my eyes to widen, "It's....okay. I'm in apartment 19."

"S-same. Wait no no not really um...I'm in apartment 17." He scratched the back of his neck.

Um ok. He's a little awkward but it's okay, maybe he's not a social person.

I nodded my head in response.

"So I was wondering if you wanted to go to a beach party tomorrow? It starts at like 10:00 AM, I can give you a ride if you need it." He offered

"Sure. Don't be late." I winked

I closed my trunk and said bye to Freddy. He's a nice kid.

I made it up to my apartment and saw Mr. Miyagi. My grandpa.

"Hello grandpa!" I went up to give to give him a hug

I felt his arms coil around my shoulders.

I loved hugs from my grandpa he truly gives the best hugs. I was only 1 inch shorted them him so our hugs hold a lot of comfort.

Our short genes ran in the family, I hated being short, I hated it so much. It's hard to kick a tall person in the face and it's hard to reach things. And I got bullied for my height, I think it's pretty stupid, because I can't help it.

I was talking with both my dad and grandpa before it got dark. We already ate dinner while catching up. It was a fun night.

I also asked dad to go to the beach party tomorrow and he said yes, thankfully.

Welcome California.

A/n - I am loving this story so far. I think my writing has improved so much and I hope you guys enjoy. Idk who is even going to read this but love y'all.

(Also I for the title picture off of Pinterest. I didn't make it.)

Okay bye bye!!❤️❤️

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