Chapter ~ 4

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I mentally groan when I see my new school come into view. Boy I was not looking forward to it. Especially after that little stunt I pulled at the beach, slapping king karate.

I was scared to face him and the cobras. Ali told me yesterday at the beach while we were talking, that all the cobras go to our school. But I was happy that the other girls went there as well, so I won't be all alone.

I get out of me and my dads car and slam the door. I was glad my dad works night shifts or else I don't how I'll get to school without the car.

I see all the cobras sitting on there motor bikes and smirking at me. I rolled my eyes and started to walk to the office to receive my schedule and locker number.

The office lady was pretty nice and she didn't take to long with my schedule. I thanked her and walked out.

I looked down at my paper, locker number 169. I look at the array of lockers to me. I'm by locker number 79. I'm not even close to my locker. I started walking straight looking at all the locker numbers while doing so.

I finally found my locker and put in my pin 0607 it popped open and I put my backpack in there.

"Hello, I'm Hayden." A voice called out to me

I turned around and saw a dude with orange hair and brown eyes.

"Hello, I'm Marla." I greeted

"Are you new. I haven't saw you before and I'm sure I would remember that pretty face." He flirted

I stood in shook, "Ha ha yeah I'm new."

"Cool. Need me to show you to your 1st period?" He offered

"Oh um no thank you. I'll find it just fine." I denied

"No lemme help." He said

"Oh alright. I have Mr. Roberts for math."

"Oh really. Same here." He smiled

"Oh how cool." I faked smiled

"Cmon I'll take you there." He started walking

I was a little confused how come everyone else is social expect Daniel and Freddy. And Daniel and Freddy were social with each other and other people. I'll have to figure that out, it'll give me something to do here in California.

I kept following behind the tall red head, well tall compared to me.

We made it to the classroom and we both sat in the back.

"You're really short, you know that." He said suddenly

I squirmed in my seat. I hated being called short I was insecure about it, "Oh yeah I know."

"Are your eyes real? They are really bright blue." He asked

"Yup they're real." I said popping the P in yup

"Is your black hair naturally that curly."


"What about your freckles, are those real?"


"What about your lips, they look so perfect." He complimented

Ok now he's getting annoying.


"Your like super hot."

"Ha ha." I faked laughed

"Ooh what about your a*s and boobs. They're really big to be real." He winked

I cringed what the f*ck. "You know what I'm going to move."

Her Secret//Karate Kid//Johnny LawerenceDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora