six | she's so pretty it hurts

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Everyone yelled and screamed bloody murder as they attacked each other. Coach Deacon's whistle and calls of 'You're out!' pierced through the cacophony. The air smelled like Kool-Aid, and Maddy had her hair almost dripping with the stuff. She ducked under several shots fired at her, and made enough to destroy most of the red team's members. 

"Sorry, Mr. Torres!" She laughed at his betrayed expression. She shot off in the other direction, where Katie was fending off a few players. 

She called out to her friend, climbed up their little building, and said, "Duck down!" The brunette did so and a green water balloon whizzed past her head and hit the player behind her smack in the chest. He groaned and fell back, earning a 'You're out!' from Coach Deacon. 

"Coward!" Maddy exclaimed. She leapt off the fortified flag set, and dashed off, Katie in tow. Both of them took shelter behind a stack of tires next to Nando, as Allison screeched, "Them! That's them! Destroy my beautiful children!" 

Catching a few bits of ammo from her pockets, Madison threw them at her mother figure violently, but hit the defense around the woman instead. As a blue one came hurtling towards Katie, the blonde caught her by the arm to pull her to the side, accidentally pulling Katie onto her. 

"We have to team up to take her out," said Katie, sliding off her friend as blushes decorated both their cheeks. 

Nando pulled out a smoke bomb, while Madison pulled out a box of bang snaps. 

"Deal," they both grinned deviously. 

"Is that fair?" The brunette's eyes went wide at the sight. 

"All's fair in love and Kablowey," Nando grinned deviously. He pulled the chain of the smoke bomb and threw it, while at the same time Madison chucked a handful of bang snaps at them. Dangerous, of course, but it was harmless.

"Oh my god look, it's messing her up!" Katie exclaimed, seeing her mother's sure aim falter.

"Oh, are you playing dirty, Nando and Maddy?!" Allison laughed wickedly and suddenly disappeared as a final billow of smoke rose up.

"Holy SHIT she pulled a freaking Houdini on us!" Madison exclaimed. "God, that woman is good." 

"Did you see which way she went?" Katie asked Nando. He shook his head, and she turned to Maddy, "Your eyes are the best out of all of us, did you see?"

"Sorry, no." She shook her head. 

As they stood up, Both Madison and Nando were pelted with Kool-Aid balloons, spattering their clothes completely. Madison laughed and sat down, as she saw Nando's betrayed expression. "Nice one, Mrs. Torres!" She laughed, standing up.

"Thanks, honey." Allison chuckled, dashing off in her daughter's direction. 

Madison trudged over to where Katie and Allison were standing, watching as the latter did a flip to avoid her daughter's ammunition, before hitting her with a green one. 

Katie laughed and put her wrists to her head as Allison proudly waved the green flag, while the blue team cheered loudly.

After the cheering ended, Allison caught up to her daughter. She put an arm around her and grinned, "Wow, that was amazing." Both 14-year-olds chuckled as she made a point, "See? I'm not always a fun killer."

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