Chapter 1

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"C'mon bro! You've practiced too much!"

"but... but what if something goes wrong again!" I said with a groan


The man screaming at me right now is my best-bro-for-life Kuroo. Right now he's pissed 'cause I may or may not have complained to him every time I had a crush and he may or may not be tired of it. Why don't I just man up? Cause it never goes well.

Why do you ask? Easy, cause I suck at asking out

This one time on fourth grade I told a girl I liked her. But she somehow figured I meant her dress and then told me all about how her grandma made it for her? Or also that other time in sixth grade I wanted to ask this folk out, but some guys entered the classroom in the middle of my confession so I ended up saying "I love you guys".

And don't get me started on my second year of Junior High where this guy thought I meant his mother?? I was just complimenting how she raised such a handsome boy!

Anyway back to the present. Last year this girl caught my eye, but she was the cheer captain and I wasn't ace yet. Plus coach looked like he wanted to bench me for my whole life just for a minor accident with the water bottles. So I didn't. But this year looked promising so I asked Kubro to help me out after our practice game. That brings us to right now

"C'mon Bro we've been practicing for hours it's not that hard" said an exhausted Kuroo

"But it isss what if she laughs" I groaned

"Then she will laugh, let her! and MOVE ON!!"

"But bro what if-"

That was the last heard of Bokuto the future ace before Kuroo slapped me. He sighed and then looked at me with a stern face.

"Alright, I did overhear your coach saying if you kept your training regime you'd be the ace"

That did lift up my hopes.

"well... I guess" I said slumping towards the exit

"Go get her champion!"

I got outside of the changing room when I noticed how late it already was. Volleyball practice ended up at 6pm but it looked like past 8pm

Damn it's already this late?

sigh, there's no way she is even here anyway

might as well practice more

"ejemm, hi" I said out loud

Nah that came out too shy

"Hey you! Yes you! You should totally date me"

Bleugh why did I say that with a loud add voice??

I breath in, breath out and keep walking all around campus. Breath in again and exhale. Practice makes perfect, you've recited that same phrase over and over, you can do it.

"Hey um, hi! I wanted to talk to you before you left heh lucky me I caught you here"

Wait, was I gonna confess outta nowhere or was I asking her to meet me here in a letter? Uhhhh I think Kuroo said it was more romantic with a letter first, ok here goes again

"Hi um thanks for-

"Good evening"

I got interrupted in the middle of my practice speech by a ghost in the shadow. I usually would've flinched or scare jumped, but this voice, it was soothing.

"Oh hi there-"

I started, should I continue? This might probably be my last shot before I get nervous again

"-I was just passing by and I couldn't take my eyes off of you-

-I think you're cute, wanna date?" I said with the cringiest wink you've ever seen

I don't know why but I suddenly got nervous again. There was a long pause and, was the other person breathing? I couldn't hear them exhale, but it was probably cause my own heart was beating too loud.

"well, thanks for listening you really don't have t-"

"alright" said the other person

"Wait. What?!"

It worked? Without any weird interruptions or misunderstandings? While I was trying to process what was happening, said person took a step forward. Their voice sweet and tender almost sounded as a whisper as they said.

"Um, I'm heading back home now, would you like to walk home together?"

Oh no, Misunderstandings! I was gonna ask someone els- my own thoughts were interrupted when I saw this person's face. Oh God. This living human being looked tailored by the gods. Silky curly dark hair with ooh those eyes. His eyes were gunmetal blue that shined under the moonlight. Woah, did I just ask them to date me?

"well.?" They interrupted my thoughts

"Uh sure, I mean, Yes please!" I stuttered like the fool I was

"Do I know you from somewhere?" they tenderly asked

"Uh not that I remember, I don't remember seeing you before..." I paused

"Akaashi, My name is Akaashi Keiji"

"Oh, whoops thanks! I'm Bokuto Koutarou btw"

How I met your Father -Haikyu BokuakaWhere stories live. Discover now