Chapter 2: Akaashi's POV

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I woke up, earlier than usual. Why? Because today is the first day of school and not just any school. I'm going to highschool and guess what. To the same school I saw a star. What's a star? Oh just a person that shines in everything they do. Back when I couldn't decide which school to enroll to, I went to a match between schools. Also, because it was a match between the six highschools most closest to me. Why? I didn't care much about the educational programs, I wanted to know how I'd feel there. Because how the students acted towards each other would be the environment I'd be getting into.

And there I saw him, Bokuto Koutarou, a star.

I never believed in perfect people, I expected to never feel fully welcomed in any school. I still don't think there's such a thing as the "perfect person". Everyone has flaws, and even our best attributes can be seen as flaws to others. But he hit all my points. He was tall, handsome, had broad shoulders, was really strong and the best part he was kind. His smile whenever he won a point was the purest I'd ever seen. Even his sad faces whenever he lost a point were cute. Everything about that man was wholesome. There wasn't a hint of poison in those eyes. He didn't seem to be playing just for the money or for mere fame. He was enjoying himself so much.

God I wanna be just like him.

My first day was gonna be great because people like Bokuto existed on that school. Or at least that what I thought.

I expected to run into an argument with the teachers at some point. But to get a direct order from the dean to make a speech outta nowhere in front of everyone? And I was expected to do that in less than an hour? Not on my plans.

Apparently my phone number was written wrong in some papers and they couldn't get ahold of me to inform me that I was the student with the highest grade on the entrance exam and I was to give a motivational opening day student speech.

I quickly scrambled something on a notebook with the help of saint google.

It could've been worse.

I didn't stutter as much as I thought I would, but all the front center row students definitely saw me shaking.

Everything happened sort of a blur, a teacher said some motivational words then the principal took over and dismissed everyone.

Anyway, what better way to start the school year than to confront your fears face on right?

The first two hours went fast. Teachers talked about their classes and asked us what we expected of the course. I tuned out. We were all first years and we clearly didn't knew each other so there wasn't that much background noise. The bell rang and like sheep we walked out of class. I didn't go to the cafeteria like everyone else, I brought lunch so I walked out of the building


The academy really had enough budget to maintain a whole garden? I heard lots of footsteps and bouncing balls, there must be a court with lots of players nearby. Which reminded me why I came to this precise high school.

For people like him.

Just before lunch ended I stopped by to check the club rooms. I slowed down while checking the literature club. It's secretly always been my dream to be a writer. I don't feel like I have much to say or to add to the pile of thousands of books. But the thought of just relaxing and writing for the rest of my life gives me peace. It's contrasted by what my dad always says: "writing for fun is a hobby, if you think otherwise real life is gonna eat you alive"

I stopped my trance when I reached my homeroom. I walked in and almost immediately I felt a tap on my shoulder. A girl tapped my shoulder. She said something along the lines of "you also want to join the literature club?" I said yes and she started talking about some of her favorite books. The afternoon went pretty fast. I have to say, I expected the academy to be more specialized on sports since that was their main focus and propaganda.

But I got lucky? 

Well take that anxiety! I actually found a club for me. If anything everything seemed too good to be true when the girl said her sister was the captain of said club and they had lots of positions I could occupy. And by lots of positions I mean the club somehow only had 6 members? They needed new members asap and that's how I ended up staying late. Later than what? I don't know. It was dark.

I only helped move some boxes and create more club flyers. Maybe between moving boxes I saw a whole collection that the captain allowed me to borrow home. And maybe I was too eager to start reading them I forgot the time.

Mom was going to murder me.

At the very least I was gonna get an earful about how worried she was I got home late. I packed my things carefully and said my goodbyes to the last members. (Who also got too immersed in their books)

I was walking outside of the club room when I suddenly heard

"Hey um, hi! I wanted to talk to you before you left heh lucky me I caught you here"

What? A person looking for me? Why? For this morning speech? Nah. It was literally my first day and teachers didn't leave us any homework. I looked for my things but everything was there, phone, keys, wallet, borrowed books. Why was a person looking for me? The guy was still there so I formally continued the conversation.

"Good evening"

"Hi um thanks for-"

Shit I interrupted him. I closed my mouth allowing him to continue. That's when a cloud moved, allowing some moon light to shine on the scene. It was Bokuto. THE Bokuto Koutarou in the flesh.

"Oh hi there, I was just passing by and I couldn't take my eyes off of you. I think you're cute, wanna date?"

That's the moment my brain stopped.

There was a long pause and I didn't notice I stop breathing 'til he continued

"well, thanks for listening you really don't have t-"


"alright" I said as fast as I could

"Wait. What?!"

If this was some sort of first year initiation it was a very sick joke. But at the same time I didn't mind. An Idol was standing in front of me asking me out? That would never happen. First cause we hadn't met before, but also because he was a star.

Every inch of me knew this wasn't true. But, two could play this game. If life gives you lemons you make lemonade. If this was a challenge, I better make the best of it.

"Um, I'm heading back home now, would you like to walk home together?"

I said it. WOAH. AM I GONNA?! Woah.

He seemed lost in thought. If he was the type to date casually or the typical playboy, should I do something? I said I could play this game, but I don't really have any experience in the dating department. He seemed to be contemplating his options so I took a step forward lifted my head up and took a stance.


He blinked

"Uh sure, I-I mean, Yes please!"

Did I just catch a literal god stutter?

"Do I know you from somewhere?"

My adrenaline was high because otherwise I don't think I would've been able to maintain a full conversation with him

"Uh not that I remember, I don't remember seeing you before..."

"Akaashi, My name is Akaashi Keiji"

"Oh, whoops thanks! I'm Bokuto Koutarou btw"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2023 ⏰

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