You Should Love And Fear Me

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Dedicated to my close friend, Sam


At seven o'clock in the evening, Zoey was in the passenger seat of a 1996 Caldina driving down the country roads of Great Bend, Kansas. She and her girl friends were on their way to her best friend's cousin's party. Gina, Zoey's best friend, had shown pictures of her cousin, Alexander, to her and, oh boy, did Zoey have the hots for him. Apparently Alexander was throwing a halloween "Thrash and Mash" at his grandpa's farm.

Gina specifically said that Zoey needs to wear a revealing maid outfit as her costume. Ever since Zoey mentioned that Gina's cousin was good-looking Gina has been teasing her for it. Mainly because Zoey was a virgin, and needed a good man, if you know what I mean.

So Zoey was bold enough to do it. She wore a very revealing outfit. Her breasts were liable to fully come out of the lingerie if she were to jump too vigorously. And her cheeks were peeking out at the bottom of her black skirt thanks to her thong, which was quite uncomfortable considering anytime she sat down there was nothing in between her skin and whatever she was sitting on.

The sun would be completely gone by the time the next hour rolls in. The sky was painted a various amount of colors, red, blue, purple, pink, and orange.

For the last three miles, all that surrounded the roads were cornfields and more cornfields. Most of it was dead though. Even the smell of the air was a little musty. It was a good thing they were only planning on staying here till eleven.

The driveway was unnecessarily long, stretching to about a whole mile. The gravel was mixed with mud, dead grass, and moss. It wasn't until they were halfway up the driveway they were able to fully see the two-story, run-down farmhouse. The white was long gone, replaced by a more off-white, yellowish brown color. Some of the windows were boarded up, some just a hole in the wall, and the others half broken glass sticking out.

Zoey guessed the grandpa hasn't lived here for awhile and Alexander just uses the property for spooky events like this one.

Once the car was parked and the engine was switched off, Zoey's nerves became one hundred and ten percent more noticeable. During the car trip down to this party everyone in the car agreed that it should be Zoey's goal to get laid tonight. Another reason why they made her wear the extra kinky and sexy halloween outfit. It was for moments like these that she was grateful she had decently sized boobs and a fairly large bottom. Without them she couldn't imagine pulling off this outfit, or pulling the really hot guy for that matter.

"I don't see him yet," Gina said, from the driver's seat. "Are you excited?" She looked over at Zoey, lifting her eyebrows.

Zoey smiled, a small tint of pink and red rising to her high cheekbones.

"Awe, guys she's blushing," Gina teased.

"Shut up," Zoey chuckled and looked out the window.

One of the girls from the backseat sat up with a look of disappointment plastered on her face and said, "I have no data connection out here."

"Really, Jasmine?" Gina said, rolling her eyes. "We're out at a party, to have fun, to party, to socialize. And you're complaining because you can't snap your pocket full of man whores."

Zoey whipped her head towards Gina, "Hey, that was a little harsh."
"She knows it's true, don't you Jas?"

"Yeah, I know," she didn't seem phased or hurt by Gina's comment.
Gina looked back at Zoey with an I told you so expression, and then stated, "Besides, I'm the same way."

Jasmine chuckled, "You have two pockets full and then some."

Everyone in the car started cackling and snorting, which then turned into a car full of screaming girls when someone in a Ghost Face mask started pounding on the driver side window.

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