a broken heart

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As I stare directly at that blade
The sharp stainless steel blade
That made me feel comfort
"It's wrong" I said to myself
But I couldn't help it
My scars define me
It screams out my story
Thoughts bottled up in me
The things I never got the chance to say
My voice was stolen
My opinion was irrelevant
And my pain was attention seeking
But the scars are to tell a story
The open wounds that was never healed
A broken heart
Like a puzzle with many unspoken pieces
A broken heart
Filled with anger and rage
The tears falling down my cheeks
Seeking for ways to find my peace
"HELP!!" I cried
But no sound was heard
No breathe left to give
So I give up
I give in
"Nothing matters to me" I think to myself
But deep down I scream to be heard, to be seen
But I guess I'll never be the one with a happy ending
Remember I was once bright
But bright has been stepped on
Yet no where to be found
It's over, I'm done
The words I long to say when you've won

–  Miss_D

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2023 ⏰

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