Reborn part 5

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Pov. in Seth's mind

"Seth" W..where am I

"Demon" your in you mind

"Seth" how are you

"Demon" I'm someone that make you vanish in thin air

"Seth" what,ok look don't play with me who are you

"Demon"the better questions is who are you

"Seth" what do you mean I'm Seth Borden

"Demon" are you now cuz last time I checked the famous Seth Borden related to the famous axes murder Lizzie Borden was just a fragment of yours and people imagination

"Seth" No I'm am %@#^%#$@$%@

"Demon" you see Seth Borden is not a real person well not anymore.

"Narrator" as blood started to fall from Seth nose he looked back at Demon and asks him who he was

"Demon" oh my dear boy I'm a Demon but now I'm you

"Seth" no no this can't be happening

"Demon"but it is and you need to embrace it because for now on I'm am you

"Narrator"Demon then ran towards seth then collided with his body as more blood fell from Seth blood and mouth

"Demon"do you feel that Seth that is the feel of power

"Seth" please s..stop


"Seth" my name is s..eth b..Borden and you w..well never t..take control o..of me

"Demon" oh my dear Seth I already have for now you I mean I am Reaper and I am...


Thanks you for reading seventeen love you Bye

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