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Ileana's P.O.V

My grandmother used to tell me stories of a time when one Alpha King ruled over all Lycans. It was customary that the Alpha King's sons would fight to the death to determine his successor. The last son standing would be named the heir to the throne. For hundred of years this was how the monarchy survived, until King Lucius IV.

When the youngest son of the Alpha King came of age, as was required for the battle to commence, King Lucius IV, desperate to spare each of his sons, did something that no king had done before. He took his united kingdom and divided it into four separate realms.

Designating his eldest son, the very embodiment of maturity and wisdom, as the ruler of the Northern realm, initiated a transformative era. From that moment onward, King Lucius IV affectionately dubbed this son the "North Star" — a celestial beacon, destined to remain a steadfast guide for his siblings, illuminating their paths back home amidst the division of their domains.

He bestowed upon his second-born the title of King of the Southern realm, a designation intricately linked with the essence of warmth, the essence of life, and the flourishing of werewolf-kind.

His third son was crowned the King of the Eastern realm, embodying the profound symbols of inspiration, much like the first light of dawn that rises in the East. That each day of this King's rule promised of a fresh start for his people.

The youngest among his sons was anointed as the King of the Western realm, a role that encapsulated  fullness, mirroring the completeness of the sun's journey across the sky. Much like the setting of the sun in the West each day, embodying the cyclical nature of existence as it comes full circle — this last son's realm served as a poignant representation of the final legacy within the lineage of the Alpha King's offspring. 

In his unyielding pursuit of securing an enduring legacy for his sons, King Lucius IV embarked on a journey to find a sorceress capable of bestowing the gift of immortality upon them. However, the price for this mystical enchantment was exorbitant — King Lucian had to relinquish his own life, surrendering the remaining span of his years to replenish the sorceress's own lifespan. Deeply moved by the father's selfless sacrifice, once the King had breathed his last, the Sorceress paid him one final kindness. She meticulously inscribed a map using her enchanted blood. This cartography intricately wove the borders of each son's domain. Thus, a profound ethereal bond was formed, confining each King within the boundaries of his own realm, and effectively thwarting their passage into the domains of their siblings. This blood magic would prevent conflicts over territories and dissuade any King's future aspirations of uniting the werewolf realm under a single ruler.

As time flowed on, the sacrifice King Lucius' life and kingdom continued to uphold harmony among his sons. The passage of hundreds of years witnessed an absence of territorial conflicts and posed no endangerment to the lives of the four reigning monarchs. Then one day, after centuries of established peace, an unforeseen moment arrived: the Alpha of the North, the guiding star that was intended to illuminate the path for his brothers, found himself astray, and his once-bright light waned into darkness.

This is the beginning to my story. 

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