Who Let the Dogs Out?

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Ileana's P.O.V.

Connor and I return home to a scene of frantic energy. Mom paces the dimly lit kitchen in her nightgown, while Dad repeatedly drums his fingers on the table.

"My babies!" She exclaims as we enter. She immediately scoops up Connor. "We've been so worried about you! Where were you?"

"We got held up at the shelter," I explain on his behalf.

"The shelter?" She blinks. "Connor, why were you at the shelter?"

"I wanted to see, Lele," he murmurs softly.

"Oh, honey! I know you've missed her, but the Alpha set a curfew and we need to listen to it." 

My father is a retired pack warrior, and still serves as an advisor on the King's war council. I'm eager for my brother to head to bed, so he'll give me the details behind the Alpha's curfew and the border sightings. I pull out a chair opposite my dad at the table, while Mom warms a glass of milk in the microwave for Connor.

"We missed you sweetheart," my dad remarks as he pulls me in close to kiss my forehead.

"I missed you guys too, Dad. I just want to unwind at home during winter break. And I know the shelter could use my help while I'm here." It may be December, but regardless of the time of year, the atmosphere here perpetually feels like a sunny beach day. My parents keep the pool in our backyard open year-round. Until I go back to school in February, I picture myself laying out there on a floatie everyday with a mojito in hand.

"The pack hospital could use you too," Dad adds.

Surprisingly, Mom places the warm glass of milk and a plate of Oreo cookies in front of me while Connor scowls. She pats him on the tush to usher him upstairs to bed. He spits his tongue out at me while he trudges up the steps and I laugh. When he's gone I indulge in the dessert

"The pack hospital is usually so slow. I wasn't planning on checking in with Dr. Varga for a few days until I got settled. I texted her about me coming home, but she hasn't answered."

"She's swamped with patients. No time for texts," my dad informs me. I frown, feeling concerned by the shift in his tone. 

"Why is she so overwhelmed? Is this related to the curfew?"

My dad lets out a heavy sigh, indicating that whatever has transpired here has weighed heavily on his mind. He's aged more than he should have while I was at school. Gray has infiltrated his auburn hair, and dark stubble mars his usually clean-shaven face.

"Many of our warriors have been injured in border clashes with wolves from the North. They won't attack us on our own side but they provoke our warriors to cross the North border and then attack. Today, we had to save eight fighters from being beaten to death."

"Are they acting on their King's orders?"

"Who knows, sweetheart. Maybe they're here to provoke us, or perhaps occupying our borders is a distraction."

"A distraction?" I echo, momentarily ceasing my chewing, milk dribbling down the corner of my mouth.

"Perhaps to divert our attention from a larger plan." As he contemplates this possibility, I stand up abruptly. The chair legs scrape against the floor, likely leaving marks that my mother will chastise me for tomorrow.

"Dad, I have to go," I declare, already heading toward the door.

"The curfew—" he begins, but I slam the door shut before he can finish. Beads of sweat form on my forehead as I break into a sprint, propelled by daily exercise and stress.

As I dash through town toward the shelter, Cal's earlier words resonate in my mind: "We've seen an influx of strays this past month... I'm waiting on my new glasses prescription, so I can't see too well."

My heart pounds in rhythm with my footsteps as the puzzle pieces start fitting together. I don't care if the Alpha's street patrols spot me, I might need their help with what I'm about to walk into.

Winded from the long sprint, I finally reach the shelter. The lobby doors are locked, but I can see through the glass. Tears well in my eyes to see him lying there as his words from our final conversation resurface: "Alright, let me know if you need me. I'm going to mop the lobby and then lock up for the night." My old friend lies on his back on the floor of the lobby surrounded by a pool of his own blood. His navy "STAFF" shirt is stained with blood flowing from long gashes on his stomach—claw marks. His eyes remain open but unmoving. I urgently try the door handle, but it won't budge. I search the vicinity for something to shatter the glass. A rock about the size of my hand catches my eye in the grass; it'll have to do.

I draw back my arm and hurl the rock with all my strength. The glass pane shatters instantly, setting off the alarm. I quickly bend down to touch Cal's shoulder, as if I could shake him awake, but rigor mortis is already taking hold. There's no time to move his body; I'll have to return for him. Hastening past the lobby toward the rear kennels, I observe the distress of the animals, dogs are barking uncontrollably in every direction. Upon opening the door to Kennel A, I sense something amiss. The emergency floodlights are on in the hallway due to me triggering the alarm which allow me to see that six of the cage doors, which had been closed less than an hour ago when I was last here, now stand wide open. It's impossible for the dogs to open them from the inside, and Cal couldn't have returned to do so, seeing as he went to clean the lobby and never left.

Listening amidst the canine cacophony, I detect several voices conversing in the exam room. Shifters. The door is slightly ajar, but the lights inside are turned off. In my human form I'm unable to see the intruders because of the dark.

"Four of you come with me, and you two watch our six. We rendezvous at the border after securing the package," a scratchy male voice commands.

"What about the street patrols?" Asks a female voice. 

Drawing nearer to the door, I strain to hear their conversation.

"We gas 'em and move on while they take a nap. No killing. Alpha doesn't want any casualties other than the Beta," the scratchy replies.

I choke down the gasp that bubbles up in my throat. They're going to kill our Beta?

"Damn what Romulus wants. He's not here. Who'll know if we deviate from the plan a little?" This third voice, more sinister than the other two, sends shivers down my spine.  

"Would you like me to include what you said in my mission report, Kairin?" Says scratchy voice, to which he receives no response. "We all understand the mission. Decapitate the beta, stake his head outside Remus' castle, then get out." 

This time my gasp escapes my lips, capturing their attention. Someone flicks the light on in the exam room, and through the crack in the door, my gaze locks with the speaker's icy-blue eyes—the distinct eye color of the North.

"It seems we have a visitor," scratchy's voice echoes through the dimly lit room, a hint of amusement dancing in his words. The tension in the air grows palpable as the weight of his gaze bears down on me. 

I don't I realize at the time, that this encounter holds more significance than I could have ever imagined, that this secret I've uncovered will be the turning point - the first step into a destiny I am bound to embrace. So instead, I pivot on my heels and run. 


Author's Note,

Hello again my friends! Comment a random word for me and I'll use it in my next chapter. Thanks for reading :)

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