A Trip Across the Border

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Ileana's P.O.V.

In my childhood, the Alpha assigned me to a specialized training unit. We learned to abide by a simple creed: run, hide, fight. It felt alien to shy away from danger. We are wolves, we are warriors. Yet, here, in the presence of the adversary, my primal instinct follows my training and I run.

I sense their relentless pursuit as I sprint through the shelter's corridors. My advantage lies in my intimate knowledge of this place. To a stranger, the shelter is a labyrinth of corridors resonating with the ceaseless chorus of barking from the countless strays it houses. Still, I'm not sure how long the shifters hid in our kennels waiting to strike, and how well they know this place. I may not have much time to warn the patrols. 

The shelter's emergency control panel, governing the floodlights, is situated on the wall ahead.  When I near the panel, I stretch my arm without halting, yanking the lever down. Instantly, the floodlights extinguish. I know this won't befuddle them much since they can shift form to activate their night vision but I didn't switch off the lights to disorient them. In addition to the run, hide, fight doctrine, our trainers drilled another maxim into us: There is safety in numbers.

The kennel's cage doors are equipped with electronic locks. Disable the power source, and the dogs are free. It happened during a hurricane once. The dogs burst from their kennels like bats out of hell. It was a nightmare then, attempting to corral them amidst the raging storm and their frantic attempts to evade the jarring noises. Now though, that chaotic escape could now potentially be a salvation.

I steal a swift glance behind me, witnessing the larger breeds bursting out of their cages and pouncing upon the intruders. In contrast, the smaller ones, including the recent litter of Chihuahuas from last week, dart around and snap at their ankles. A smile forms on my lips as I observe the scene—the Sheppard mixes, in particular, expertly climb onto the backs of the invaders, adding weight to their struggle.

Still, the Northern wolves persist with unwavering determination. My priority is to divert their attention long enough to warn my pack of their nefarious plan. I dash through the corridors, weaving past rooms that house frightened cats, bunnies, and other small creatures. A pang of empathy courses through me for them, but I can't afford to pause. 

With a quick backward glance, I confirm that despite being slowed down by the dogs, the Northern wolves remain in pursuit. My scent serves as a breadcrumb trail that they diligently follow. Though it unsettles me, I recognize the necessity of my next move. I make a sharp left turn toward the lobby where I spot Cal's lifeless form on the floor. I approach my old friend crouching down over his lifeless body. I place my hand flat into the pool of his blood on the floor and start coating myself in it. Smothering my face, my arms, my clothes with it as uncontrollable tears streak down my cheeks. When I feel queasy, I'm confident I've applied enough of Cal's blood to mask my own scent. I slam open the lobby doors, hoping they don't hear the noise, and dash up the street.

Drenched in blood, I quickly catch the attention of Alpha Remus' street patrols as I run towards them. They start rushing towards me to meet halfway. "They're here!" I scream before they reach me.

The patrols look confused, but as the shelter doors burst open behind us and the northern wolves emerge, comprehension dawns in their eyes. Four men and two women emerge from the shadows, moving with confident strides. Each step is a testament to their training and resolve, and a chilling wind carries the foreboding whisper of their ill intentions. Each of the warriors has striking blue eyes, sharp like icicles. 

The two women are formidable: one a vision of grace and deadliness, her lithe form moving with a dancer's precision; the other, an embodiment of controlled intensity, in her eyes I see her unwavering determination to carry out the task at hand. 

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