Prince Charming

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This chapter is based off of a book called First Warmth.
Prince x Prince but from another planet

Both characters are 23


I definitely haven't gotten over the whole 'kissing the prince at his father's birthday festival' thing, but one thing's for sure, we're not on bad terms, so now I'm going to his father's birthday ball in which for some reason he likes to celebrate his birthday with massive parties- especially with masks and suits- so I feel like I won't fit in for some reason.

I was only told to wear a suit and a masquerade mask, which is really, really weird, but since my favorite color is blue, and now my eyes are teal due to the stupid curse, I just went with a navy blue vest to match my navy blue pants and white vest under it. It was the most expensive one I could find, as the other suits were cheap, low quality and really ugly blue colors. Not to mention the black masquerade I had to buy because there was no white or blue left.

"Don, you ready?" Cameron called from the hotel living area as I stared at myself in the mirror. I had my hair slicked back so it didn't really look good since my hair has naturally tight curls, but I also had to put green contacts in so I wouldn't get figured out by any of the higher ups. I sorta cringed at myself a bit before I pulled the bathroom door open to reveal Cameron and Iris in their own suits that looked like mine. Iris in yellow and white, and Cameron burgundy. He looks really bad in burgundy.

"All set." I muttered, being embarrassed of my hair still. They didn't say anything about it, and we just left the hotel room, masks on due to the traditional 'no identity allowed' rule.

"Woah, this is kind of creepy..." Iris muttered as we entered the castle full of people with masquerades on. Everybody was talking formally, various women were in long, different colored dresses, and all of the men were in similar vests and suits as the three of us.

As expected of the fact that the point of the party is no identity, I didn't see anyone there I knew. Since Iris was wearing a yellow vest and wouldn't stop hugging on Cameron, I knew it'd be easy to spot them if I got lost. Speaking of, they were already making their way to the food and drinks, leaving me by myself to go explore and maybe see if I could find Kiran or at least Isaac...

"Hello everyone," suddenly, Kiran's dad- the king for short- started speaking from the balcony of the ballroom, causing everyone to turn their attention to him. "I hope you're all enjoying the Moon Festival to commemorate our kingdom's 700th year of standing and being the main attraction of Terian," everyone applauded but me and those at the food tables.

He then smiled with his all white suit and white masquerade mask making him stand out like a bright star, but as I was looking at him, he looked directly at me like he knew who I was under this stupid, itchy mask. For some reason, I felt he did know me, and did not want me there. His stare felt oddly intimidating enough to send chills down my back, so as soon as his stare was off of me and directed to the other crowd of people, I booked it. I went directly to the bathroom.

I've never even been inside the castle before, but for some reason my legs just took me to the nearest place I could calm myself down. Luckily it was a one person bathroom, meaning I could hurry up and lock the door behind me. As soon as I turned around, I took my mask off, but there was someone already in the bathroom, staring up at me from a book.

I almost did scream, but I just flinched then sighed in relief when I realized it was Kiran. Thankfully, but oddly enough, he was just sitting on the counter with his mask lifted onto his head, so now we both knew who each other were.

"Uhm... Hey." I muttered, not knowing what to say within the silence. For some reason he didn't seem bothered at all, but mostly confused.

"Hey? Why are you... Here?" He asked, tilting his head. I raised my eyebrows at him and looked around then back at him, "Me? Why are you here? You're missing out on your dad's festival."

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