Best friend

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"Oh, did you ever get a date for prom?" I asked Jackson who obviously wasn't paying attention to me. I turned my attention away from the prom poster on the wall and toward Jack, but his attention wasn't on jack-shit I was saying- pun intended- as it usually was.

I snapped my gaze to whatever he was looking at, and just as I'd fucking suspected. He's looking at some chick's ass.

"Jack." I growled, pulling his shoulder to gain his attention back. He looked at me bewildered and shrugged my hand off like he was disgusted.

"What's wrong with you, man?" He groaned, leaning against the wall directly next to the poster, and on top of that, completely ignoring the entire conversation I had with said wall about said poster.

See, here's a backstory. I'm gay, Jackson apparently is not, but obviously doesn't care about how gay I am. The only problem is, I promised him I wouldn't catch feelings for him whenever I came out, but I'd already had feelings for him and that's why I came out. So now, every time he's looking at someone else or talking to someone else or just... Doing anything that isn't me, I get jealous. It's such an annoying thing to go through because I know that until he rejects me, I can't fucking move on. I'm just stuck being cockblocked until he gets disgusted with me.

"Nothing," I said, being completely fed up with him. I turned to walk off seeing as it was lunch time, but he suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me back. He looked a lot more worried than he did before when he was looking at Isabella's ass, and it disgusted me.

"You only care when I want to leave?" I asked coldly, shrugging his arm off as he did to me. He looked stunned which- I admit- made me want to laugh, but I quickly stormed off so I wouldn't have to see his face any longer.


"Where's the other one?" June asked, nudging a napkin with animal crackers on it my way. I furrowed my eyebrows a bit at her weird action and the weird question, but popped a few animal crackers in my mouth.

"Watchya' talkin' about?" I asked in response, the look of pure confusion never leaving my face. She rolled her eyes and wiped her animal cracker crumbs on her varsity jacket and cleared her throat. "Jackson?" She proceeded, taking another animal cracker. It feels like we're back in elementary. Sharing snacks in class and gossiping... Man, I miss the old times.

"What about him?" I stated, pretending to be stupid. June suddenly groaned and threw a punch straight into my arm, making me laugh. It's hard for her punches to hurt seeing as I have a bit of muscle on me.

"Where is he, you cunt?!" She yelled now, somehow managing to catch the attention of the teacher, even though plenty of other people were chatting away in nearby desks.

I shrugged. I'm still annoyed with him right now even though I shouldn't be. He doesn't know why I'm mad, and neither does June, so why am I bothered... Like?

"June, if I tell you, you have to promise to help me." I stated seriously, looking in her seemingly frightened green eyes. She nodded quickly and took a sip of her apple juice.

"I like Jackson, alright?" I said, quickly slapping my hand across her mouth since I knew she'd scream like she was getting killed or something. "We uhm... Made a promise whenever I came out to him that I wouldn't catch feelings... But since I did, it's hard to control said feelings now." I slowly pulled my hand off of her mouth, and her eyes seemed to glow with excitement.

"So?!" She exclaimed, waiting for me to continue. I shrugged then took another animal cracker. "I kinda got mad at him for not paying me any mind," I stated dryly, seeing how toxic I've suddenly become. I wonder if anyone else has ever fallen for their best friend before...

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