What are we? (best friends 2)

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I tapped my pen against my desk as I stared up at the clock next to the whiteboard. It feels like every time that ugly red 'hand' moves past a second, the more boring class gets. It also seems like every time the class gets more boring, I get more and more eager to get to college so I can choose my schedules...

"Dude, can you not?" I felt a hand on my own which knocked me out of my intense staring contest with the clock and instead into a glaring contest with my friend on my left. Daniel had a more worried expression than a glare, but he'd placed his hand on my own so I'd stop tapping my pen. It was helping me with the anxiety of going back home though...

"My fault." I murmured and placed my pen in the holder at the top of my desk. The entire room felt silent even though there were people talking, but quietly. I decided I'd steal a glance at Alex, but as soon as I turned around I was met with his empty seat. I sighed loudly, remembering he had a basketball game just the hour before.

"Bro, what the hell is bothering you?" Daniel whispered in a serious tone, and I shrugged. "Is it Alex?" I nodded in a silent reply and crossed my arms on the desk before I laid my head in the middle of them.

"Wanna talk about it? I can probably help with advice," he said and scooted his desk toward me. I debated it for a bit, but the bit of time I used for contemplation seemed like it was taking forever so I used a bit of eeny meeny miny mo and chose to open up. I slightly turned my head over in my arms to look him in his eyes and started.

"Every time I ask to hang out, he has a basketball game, or he has to study, or his parents want to take him on a vacation, but we used to go on vacations together and now we don't. He won't invite me or even ask if it's okay for me to be on the trip anymore," I blabbered on and on until I realized I sounded like I was in the first stage of the relationship. Jealousy and overthinking...

"Well, dude... Don't you think maybe he's... Trying to avoid you? Like... Maybe he has someone else behind your back and that's why you can't hang out?" I averted my gaze and trailed it back to the clock, watching the minute hand trying to take it's sweet time getting to 2:30 so we could leave, then trailed my gaze back to Daniel to think about what he said.

I'm pretty sure I've come to that conclusion a couple of times, but every time I thought 'but he literally cried in my arms because he was so afraid I'd reject him,' and he basically begged to put it in... Was it fake? Did he not... Actually like me? Or maybe he was experimenting to see if he liked me or not? Or trying to date me out of spite of someone else?

"Well?" Daniel murmured, watching the contemplation in my eyes. I averted my eyes toward the clock again and watched it finally hit 2:30, and even though I'd expected it, the bell scared me anyway.

"I don't think so. Maybe he's really just busy," I murmured back and began to pack up my things to leave. I wanna see what his family's up to since I haven't seen them in a while.


I used the key Alex's dad had given to me right before Christmas to open the door and kicked off my shoes in the corner next to the door along with my backpack.

"Oh, Jackson! Hey, I just made cookies!" If I didn't know Alex for years on end, I would've assumed the high pitched voice was his mom. But instead, it's his sister, Alice.

"What kind?" I asked, making my way to the stools in front of the island counter. "Peanut butter cookies, but I'm no cook so they might not be good,"
she laughed sheepishly. I shrugged and gingerly took one of the cookies then split it in half and ate one of the halves.

I couldn't help but nod my head in approval at how good the cookies actually were, despite how insecure Alice seemed about them. "It's good?!" She exclaimed, nearly bouncing up and down. I nodded and ate the other half quickly in attempts of making her feel better, but she quickly gave me an entire plate of them.

One Shots (smut and fluff boyxboy) REQUESTS CLOSED FOR NOWNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ