Chapter 1

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The deep black hair man grimaced through the phone that he was currently having a conversation to.

"Class president? Didn't she have any important thing to report?" He sneered almost annoyingly but then a small quirk of his lips formed making his face almost sarcastic.

"You're slipping. This is a warning kid. Don't let anything or anyone distract you. Understood?"


"Don't make me repeat it Hongjoong,"

"I understand sir,"

Hongjoong sighed after the other end hung up on the phone. He never thought this task would be so difficult for him to complete it, at least he'd never thought that anything could ever distract him.

His mind wandered. Maybe the nerdy class president was right, that he was being careless these days. Especially lowering his guard down just infront of a particular person. And this was the time he needed to watch out for real.

His breath delayed as he sensed a footsteps behind him, so he puffed out air from his nose and fix his composure. His eyelids lowered now that he started to look colder.

The hand tapped his shoulder as he turned around and gave one of his gang member a slight raised of eyebrow.

"Sorry.. er, You busy there?" The sheepish teen scratched his neck and eyeing questioningly on the device in Hongjoong's grip.

The slit eyebrow man shrugged. "I'm done," then he walked as the dumbfounded boy tailing him from behind.

"Who was it? The talk seemed fire," he laughed. It was the nosy habit of that one of his gang that made Hongjoong irritated.

He stopped in his track and glare on the unwelcomed untruder coldly. He stepped closer making the other person backed away considerably. "You heard the conversation?" His voice came out deep sent a chills over the other boy.

"Relax man, I didn't hear a thing! promise!" The boy flailing his hands defensively, visibly terrified of Hongjoong's rage.

The cold and stony boy gave him a last glare and proceeded with his steps and just let the other followed him like a well trained dog.

"Wait Hongjoong actually-"

"I believe whatever shit you're gonna spill isn't important for now," He interupted the other boy quickly.

"Wha- wait- Just hear me out!"

"What?" Hongjoong was visibly annoyed by now.

"That prefect boy again,"

Now the raven completely halted in his track.

"He reported the boys to the principle! Now they got detentions and even suspended for weeks,"He frantically delivered the news to the most feared member of their gang

Hongjoong's jaw clenched and unclenching. His nerves went insane as the vains on his forehead popped.

Every living thing in the school witnessed the hate Hongjoong had for the one particular boy. He was the person who always attempted to stop their gang's doings which mostly unsuccessful.

But the optimistic behaviour the boy shown was irritating even after a bunch of warning Hongjoong threw at him to not bat a lashes on their business anymore.

He was sure he made himself clear of the consequences. And the stupidly cute boy was pretty much getting on his very last nerve.

"And how's that my problem?" He spat making the boy cower.

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