Chapter 2

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The grand door swung open delicately as the newcomer's hand firm on the golden handle hoping the said door wouldn't decide to make any creaking sound today therefore alerting the people inside. Even though he knew his parents were both working till dawn it was better safe than sorry. A relief sighed escaped his chapped lips as fate seemed to side with him that evening.

Careful steps following his movement across the hall to the stairs. He must not making a sound. He must not disturb anyone. He must not burdening them with his mere existence. he must not creating an unnecessary problem. He must not anger his father. The words kept repeating itself in his head reminded him of what else his adopted father was capable of, if he happened to intrude even a glimpse of his eye sight. 

The extra effort of his carefulness manage to put strain on his muscle that resulting in the creeping of fatigue and ache deep in his bones. Fortunately he managed to arrived in his bedroom and closed the door tightly behind him.

He slumped over his bed releasing a hundredth sigh, trying to relax his body. it was an eventful busy and stressful day. He stared at the ceiling  unblinking. It was indeed very hard to waver away his mind from a particular raven haired man. Why did he think that the man's behaviour was sometimes unmatch with something hidden in his eyes. And it was making it hard to hate on Hongjoong like what he felt to the rest of his gang members.  

But the raven's words.. It managed to leave a deep cut within his heart and he wonder if Hongjoong still had a gut to mock and humiliate him after he knows how Chan's life at home was really like. 

He bit hard on his lips. Why did he think that people like Hongjoong would ever be considerate of his pathetic life and stop provoking him even after he knows about him? Worse he probably would take it as a new source to torment him and drive his life even deeper in the hell.

His chest tight alongside of a growing lump in his throat. The white gloom ceiling that he was currently staring at, disappeared at the replacement of an unwelcome reminder of last night.

Last night.. and nights before that.

The boy still could feel the lingering touch under his skin that even the scalding bath couldn't remove. His hands subconciously moving scratching on his arms. His teeth bit hard on his quivering lips at the thought that he was..

Chan couldn't help but felt a stinging in his eyes and let the water covered his vision. He didn't even realise that the crystallised liquid had poured out and soaked the pillow underneath his head. He heard someone sobbing though quietly and didn't even bother to acknowledge that the sound was coming from himself.

It wasn't his intention for that evening to fall asleep so quickly that he was lulled by his own despair and tears. 

He probably shouldn't let himself drifted off seeing that it would definitely get him into trouble. But his brain is overly tired and his soul was beyond exhausted that he couldn't give a damn on what would happened.


Maybe he should give a damn after all.

He heard a shouting. A yell to be exact but couldn't decipher what was being said by the loud voice. He knew he should force himself to wake up once the voice seemed to grow closer and closer. He jolted awake, cursed under his breath when he realised he just fell asleep without preparing dinner first. Hell, he didn't even shower yet to make himself look presentable and found himself still in the now crumpled school uniform.

He dashed towards the closet frantically and rummaging inside the neatly organised fabrics. He grabbed a pair of clothes when his bedroom's door was knocked from the outside.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2023 ⏰

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